Why You Should be Doing Video
Why You Should be Doing Video
Published Friday 1st September 2017, 11:07 AM
Interestign piece by Sean Finlay of Clientwire
But so are the standards of the digital content consumer. The average user is no longer impressed by a brief 200-word explanation of your product or service, to achieve engagement you need to provide either entertainment or valuable information. A high-quality video with a compelling hook can provide your business exactly this.
The advantage of being in the midst of a growth surge in video marketing is that some businesses catch on and others don’t. By integrating video into your brand's strategy, you immediately achieve a competitive edge. But where is video going and how can you benefit from it the most?
Whenever ‘video marketing’ is dropped into conversation, there is almost instantaneously a big elephant in the room. Recently hitting 1.5 Billion monthly logged in users, YouTube is a big elephant, to say the least. It’s often referred to as the second largest search engine but nowadays it’s known for more than that. Users don’t just search and discover videos, they like, comment, create playlists, subscribe and more and more now create their own videos building a Strong Community.
For many companies creating video content can feel out of reach, numerous barriers are responsible for this feeling of uncertainty. Just a few reasons are: it can be seen as a risk if the quality isn’t there - fearing that a poor video will do more damage than good for the brand, it can also be assumed as too costly or too technical.
These fears and assumptions which surround video make it a less pursued content format. This means that if you are willing to dip your toe into video, it’ll likely be a fruitful venture - due to the relative lack of competition. It doesn’t just set you apart from your competition though, it’s true value is in the connection you can make with the viewer. And this connection can be much stronger via video.
If you’re not convinced by the growth of video yet, then listen to Mary Meeker’s numbers: “Online video is becoming integrated into our lives, with Netflix growing 669% in-between 2015-2016, compared to the closest major TV network growth of 33%.”(Mary Meeker report 2017)
74% of all web traffic by 2019 is predicted to be video based (www.kpbc.com) The nature of innovations specifically for business purposes, is that they often divide businesses, those that adapt to the change, and those that are left behind.
There’s been a very slow adaptation process to video marketing, likely due to a number of barriers. However, if you logically weigh up the benefits vs difficulties - for most marketers the answer will likely be to go full steam ahead in the direction of video marketing. The next step is implementation…
But that’s the easy bit, right?
If you have questions on video marketing contact Sean Finlay
(Note: www.crosselerator.com messages can include video)