"Why you should not denigrate your competition" - an Open Letter to Madeleine Ault of SeerPharma (UK)
Dave Rushton
Paradigm Shift UK/Dubai | UK GDP Association | Canna Strategy | RP | RPi | GDP | ISO 9001:2015 | Aviation/Marine | PQMS Lead Auditors | MHRA IAG & CMT | Med Cannabis | Home Office PCQI | Compliance Monitors | Training
One of the first rules of business is not to denigrate your competitors. Especially when you are doing it out of apparent self-promotion... and are wrong on most of your arguments.
In my working life I only made the mistake of denigrating my competitors in my very first few interactions... I was firmly advised, both by a prospect and by my line manager that bad mouthing your competitor is the tool of the weak and insecure, and that you let yourself down if you do, and get the opposite result you seek. Sell only your merits and the benefits of your product or service.
I also learned that I could let the prospect do it for me.
Asking your client "What does X do well?" and listening to the reply (you might learn something new) then flipping it to ask "What can X do better?" or "Have X ever let you down?" to let them come to their own decision. "Well... we have quite a few late deliveries, and their accounts team are quite pushy... credits are always slow."
Job done. The client now thinks for themselves why there may be a problem and may consider your offering, if it meets their needs and offers them value.
This honest and consultative approach earned me some great written references that I used to get my next opportunities, as I earned my way to my own business... even if I hardly ever made commission.
It's not all about money, is it? Of course that's what people say who aren't motivated by money.
This ethic still stands today and is a core value of Paradigm Shift Consulting and the team that work there. Note "team" not employees. Trigger happy (invoice freaks) are not welcome here.
As a leading GDP consultancy we are ISO 9001: 2015 accredited for "Training and Quality Management Services to the Pharmaceutical Industry" with a passion for good distribution practice.
Running any business is a challenge. Building the right culture ("Culture eats strategy for breakfast" - Peter Drucker), to have a happy, repeat referring customer base and to keep your team from running off isn't easy. Especially if you put money first. If you follow Richard Branson's principle of train people well enough they can leave, but treat them well enough they don't want to, you'll have a lot more "luck."
Pick "givers" for your organisation, and reward them. Pay them what you can, and make each person their own cost centre and Managing Director of their own services... they then have the chance to shine and be rewarded accordingly. We cannot pay what a corporate might, but we don't ask for ridiculous things, crazy hours (that kill your hourly rate) or to put the company before their families.
Ensure you give your clients a win... we always give something first. Whether it's a free consult or advice, or pushing timelines or a trial training session. If the client reciprocates it can be the start of a beautiful relationship.
In a recent re-post of something written by Adam Grant we achieved a record number of views, over 5500, for just stating what is in my heart. More than our ISO accreditation post which reach nearly 5000.
But... I digress. This isn't about us, or how we run our collective... or is it? Wait! It is!! ??
Last Friday and over the weekend I received a number of LinkedIn messages, emails and Whatsapp messages from friends, contacts and clients relating to a post from Madeleine Ault, Consultant for SeerPharma (UK).
Madeleine Ault was the ex-MHRA senior inspector with purview of RP training, responsible for attending Gold Standard Training courses to ensure that the right messages and the gold standard content was being delivered... And other stuff, sorry I am not an expert on her history.
Madeleine Ault was subsequently recruited by SeerPharma (UK) (we believe) to update and add value to the training, and (we believe) to correct some of the inconsistencies that were being taught... like the Orange Guide being the primary resource for GDP knowledge.
"Same thing isn't it?" we were told when we challenged ?? Oddly this was being taught on her watch at the event we attended in Dec 2018. With slides that apparently had not been updated since 2016? At least this is what another delegate told me. We can fact check if you need.
Our understanding was that Gold Standard training is initially reviewed by the Cogent Skills Council and then has an MHRA "sense check" to ensure no false information was provided... if this was the case, how was it that SeerPharma (UK) were (probably unknowingly) spreading disinformation until she joined? Maybe that is because they are a GxP entity with primarily GMP staff until now.
Madeleine Ault's post apparently challenges and mock our plans to reduce the risk of transmission of Coronavirus, which we are enacting to protect our frail elderly and young family members, as well as team/team's children who have underlying conditions including respiratory issues and epilepsy.
This morning the Health Minister has advised that it is highly likely that over 70s will need to self-isolate within weeks.
All of the currently most viewed stories are about Coronavirus.
Since this post was made earlier today, we now have 35 dead. Everyone will be affected.
As we regularly carry out remote work for clients, my suggestions made perfect sense to me... however apparently not for Madeleine Ault.
Now before we really get into it, could it be that this was pure coincidence? Unlikely as her post is very specific, reflecting the points I made in my post (although in a factually incorrect way). The fact that we received multiple contacts from different people at least suggests to THEM that it is aimed at me. Which means us.
Multiple people thinking Madeleine is guns out about my post... to the point of contacting us.
How many people have seen it that now think less of me and my team?
How many people have seen it and not told us, but are now telling others than an ex-senior inspector is publicly shooting down Paradigm Shift and Dave Rushton?
Not being a narcissist I don't believe it can be that many, as she doesn't have many followers or reactions to her post... but we had enough contact to make it obvious that it was an issue.
Google the first part of the title of this article and top of the list for me and you get "about 3,830,000 results."
The Bird and Bird post at the top was possibly most interesting, suggesting that a dominant force in the market who denigrates competition risks legal action.
We did take legal advice, from two solicitors, and we were told that it wasn't worth it and that we should let it go... it would "wither on the vine" as Madeleine Ault doesn't have many followers, and we are "playing into her hands" if we respond.
I considered this sage advice, then disagreed because both myself and colleagues were upset and angry that anyone would dare suggest we are not an ethical business. We have fought to get to where we are and it has been due to our ethics that we are supported and recommended by our clients. It didn't feel right to leave this alone.
Well Madeleine Ault, in response to your post... here we go.
First... My post.
1488 views and 34 reactions at the time of typing... but I must say that any of you who reacted positively obviously have no freaking idea what you are thinking about!! You are obviously just mindless clickers as my ideas have ZERO merit. Yeah, lowest form of wit, I know, sorry.
This total includes six views from staff the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.
Interesting figures!
And now... Madeleine Ault's post
I clicked "Curious" then the post wanted me to tell you what I am curious about.
What am I curious about? The whole freaking post, really. Apart from the first part of the first line.
Well Madeleine Ault... you are posting as a representative of SeerPharma (UK), here is our reply to you and the company you represent publicly, very loudly and I think very rudely.
I refer you to our highly viewed thread on company culture... scroll up, please, click and read. This is what we are about.
It is amazing that you are stated to be an expert on company culture (did a tiny google on you) so we really did expect better of you than to exhibit such mean spirited behaviour in public, for whatever reasons.
I believe you got twisted up by not reading it properly nor understanding what I was talking about. Maybe that you aren't up to date with the world or technology?
Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt there, hope you learn to do the same for others one day. Bit late for me though, right?
Feel free to clarify who from SeerPharma (UK) and your extended ex-inspector network agrees with you and also clarify if this is NOT an official SeerPharma (UK) statement. Your title has Seer... you mention Seer at the end. Therefore you are representing Seer in the eyes of the law, I would suggest.
Enquiring minds want to know, so that bit of clarification would be just dandy! In writing even better. Oh, yes, be careful what you write ????
When I got messaged Friday one of my first instincts was to contact SeerPharma (UK) for a direct comment from a director, but when I was doing my due diligence I found they were dissolved some years ago and I couldn't find another Seer Pharma (UK) .
Probably now just a trading name?
I want to state for the record that I do not believe this is the to be the genuine opinion of SeerPharma (UK) as I have always viewed them as a professional organisation. I could be wrong, however.
We have sent a number of clients to them who needed Gold Standard accreditation, two recently and once at the Dec 2018 session we mention later, as they were the market leaders.
I then thought to write to the Seer email on their contact page, but decided against it due to the risk of it ending up directly with Madeleine Ault or someone funneling my message to her. It would have been awkward to be annoyed or further shot down.
So... I have decided an open letter here might be better... and more cathartic. Although I was told not to. By a few people. Including two solicitors ??
My usual option, unless things are difficult and need an audit trail, is PICK UP THE PHONE. Talk to people. I often start an email then phone, if I have the time.
Madeleine, if you had perhaps picked up the phone, or messaged me here, and told me you thought my post was nonsense I could have easily explained and this mess (your mess) wouldn't have happened. Or i could have learned something and the world would be a better place. Right?
Your decision instead was to openly try to belittle me, my company, my team and our thought processes for what? Your own gain? The gain of Seer Pharma (UK)? Both, I suggest.
I put it you, Madeleine, that you are used to people rolling over and allowing you to bully them... because you are used to be in a position of authority.
Well... wake up call. You will not bully us... Not ever. You have no power over us, no authority over us, and your base efforts only make you look sad and a bit desperate, and quite frankly out of date. Flex away with your empty words.
You need to realise that you are now in the world of business, where companies rise and fall and their success is measured by what they deliver to the customer base, and that your company is as good as your last event and the feedback that comes from it.
You should be extremely worried right now, because there are already three other providers delivering Gold Standard and from conversations we have had with other consultancies there are more on the way.
I felt a bit "off" when I saw you at the Pharmacy Show and I was speaking with a client and you came up and said to him "I know you are with Dave, but..." and then handed out a leaflet on your CPD training. I was somewhat taken aback, but didn't say anything. I am pretty sure he didn't attend any of your events, but if he did... well done you. Cheeky.
So here we go! My open letter, my response to your delightful post.
"Dear Madeleine Ault,
From the number of messages we had from people who saw my post and yours it seems obvious to all of them (and now my team) that you are having a dig at me and subsequently Paradigm Shift as a whole.
We would love to think it was just a strange coincidence and that you wouldn't want to denigrate us, our company, or our ethics, but I am struggling really hard with that.
I felt upset when I received the first message on Friday, and wrote an angry response, which I didn't post, as it would have let both me and my team down. We took a team decision to breathe and be coherent and dissect your negativity piece by piece. I was told to keep it short and sweet, but the more I sat, the longer the response became.
What was the purpose of your post? A bit of validation from LinkedIn "friends" and randoms? A few clicks to make you feel good? Feel superior? Clever?
If so, here... with our love. This article and open letter. You will get a lot more clicks now.
Your message is both hurtful and outright incorrect. What is worse than your level of wrong is that other people will read it and "like" it because you are in a position of trust. Or should be.
Maybe not so much if they read this.
Staff reactions varied... some were upset, some angry, some said quite bad words, and some suggested we should "show her by taking her business away." Although that was amusing, we do not need your business, we gain our business on our reputation and service, something you can learn from.
As you generated so much different emotion I think it’s only right to comment and clarify our thoughts on the concepts that you think are nonsense.
After receiving the first of the messages I spoke to those in the office and one of the team reviewed and checked posts and websites from the “usual suspects” in GDP... and we are the ONLY ones to have made such a post.
"Massive coincidence, though!" positive people like us might think.
Prove it's about you, others might suggest. Not going to bother, it's pretty clear especially when so many people contacted me about it.
During the investigation (grand term, it was a brief bit of googling to be fair) I was told the only post from SeerPharma (UK), other than yours, is about your upcoming GDP training.
Might it be wise to cancel your training too? Oh, but wait... that could mean losing money!!
One of the kind people that messaged told me that he showed his wife our post and yours and that his wife had said it “makes perfect sense that a company working with pharmaceutical wholesalers would not want to unnecessarily risk transmission to a source of supply.”
Good point, I thought. I had mostly been thinking about reducing risk to our families and extended families... which includes our clients.
Paradigm Shift Consulting – Where common sense is common!! We pride ourselves on putting others first, and using common sense approaches to problems.
I have my 78 year old mother in law and my 21 month old son living with me, and to bore you with my repetition some of our team and families have underlying health conditions or at higher risk of pneumonia or respiratory illness, so limiting risk to them is obviously the right thing to do.
Is it not? Come on... tell me we are overreacting now?
We are being sensible, calm and not generating unnecessary risk or worry. In fact we are offering well considered and sensible solutions.
Let's take your first comment.
We agree... completely! Be wary of consultants FULL STOP. Anyone that offers you a service should be treated with care and a degree of doubt, whether it's a customer, supplier or service provider.
Chapter 1, subsection 1.3 and Chapter 7 of EU GDP require the approval of third party providers. If you hire someone who does a bad job... it is YOUR responsibility. Check them out, get written references, at least four or five written references, CHECK the references, ask their opinions before they start working with a free initial consultation (if they offer it... we do!) and be comfortable. If you know 10% someone with 30% knowledge will look like an expert.
We can provide a couple of dozen excellent written references if we need to.
So... I don't have a real issue with the first statement... but when we reach "can't realistically fulfil" I have to ask... in whose opinion? An ex-senior inspector, agreed, but it would seem one whose initial thought processes are clouded and also has made further, factually incorrect statements in the same post.
Let's continue.
Really? I think that should be a question mark, but I am not one to talk about punctuation with this mess of a post! Maybe you are just indignant, and that was an indignant exclamation mark. What is this rip off merchant thinking? Remote audits?!?!?!?! OK, punctuation overload, sorry.
Well let's go back to facts. Firstly... I stated "desktop audit." This is actually a very commonplace activity now. Did you not know that? Maybe too current for you? Many GCP audits are remote. We have even experienced remote regulatory contact. From a current inspector. Shock horror.
We like to try to be on, or moving toward, the cutting edge of things, rather than living in the past. Use technology to everyone's benefit and safety.
To help you, dear Madeleine (and your readers) better understand how WE work in 2020, the DESKTOP audits we will be carrying out are primarily for our existing clients, but could work if you are checking on a company a long way away... certainly better than cancelling or getting a questionnaire. Right? Might be an initial audit, plus references, risk assessment. Maybe?
This type of activity can be regular where there are companies that we share data with, either via DropBox or through their SharePoint systems.
We can review their files and storage to confirm that activities have been carried out, temperature and cleaning logs completed and scanned and uploaded, deviations raised and closed, training delivered and documented, quality meetings minuted, management reviews signed off and disseminated, self-inspections carried out, confirm that data has not been lost, corrupted or manipulated and that our back ups are running.
Blah, blah, blah.
We can carry out a Skype quality meeting... OK we may all be floating heads, but so what?
This isn't everything we do if we meet remotely, just a taster.
We can offer you some training and advice on how to carry out this sort of support, if you like? Or is it a bit too new-fangled? Saucer of milk, table 9. Meow.
This remote viewing means we can dip into some clients sites on a weekly basis, even if we are not visiting in person, great for a collection point. More visibility, without burning client cash.
"Never work" is a bold statement. Of course you didn't read my post properly, did you? A simple detail you seemed to have missed, Madeleine Ault.
Never say never. The world IS changing, you may have noticed.
Hate to bring you into this brave new world, but it is working already.
I hardly even know where to begin with this bit of nonsense.
Let's start with the Wikipedia definition of a site survey.
Site survey
Site surveys are inspections of an area where work is proposed, to gather information for a design or an estimate to complete the initial tasks required for an outdoor activity. It can determine a precise location, access, best orientation for the site and the location of obstacles.
I was told not to waste my time explaining myself, but I feel I have to. Yes, at my loss and my cost and my time. Thank you, Madeleine Ault, for costing us time and money that could have been spent on more positive things.
- We have a potential client who wants to obtain a WDA. See the italics on potential.
- The prospect has an existing warehouse and requested we visit to see it discuss options.
- As this is now a high risk activity, we politely declined and suggest an alternative. A free consult. Free! For 90 minutes.
- We are “meeting” with this prospect (did I said free? No charge?) on Tuesday via an initial video call on mobile for the walkround and then on Skype. We will give a general first review of the facilities during the mobile walk-around… the camera being our eyes… and then "sit" and review screen-share floor plans, example documents and draw workflows etc in the Skype session.
What sorcery is this, I hear you cry?
We can also request a mobile video, upload it to YouTube, or host it for us to download.
This may not be ideal, but I think an intelligent option in the current pandemic.
Welcome to the 21st Century, Madeleine Ault! I keep using your name, to remind you this is about you and your choice to post unfounded and defamatory nonsense.
Free... Free couldn’t possibly be a rip off… could it? I hope not, I’d hate to think people thought we were rip off merchants ?? That seems to be what you are suggesting... but we will get back to that later.
Aside from reducing infection risk, a remote visit saves waste!
- travel time and consultant time... did you know lots of consultancies like to charge for all of their travel time? At the same rate they consult at? We like to split time over one hour 50/50, typically meaning we leave earlier. Arrive early, miss the traffic, leave a bit early, hopefully miss the traffic... and not kill our team with 14 hour days. Or come the night before, and budget hotel so we are fresh for the day and can give our best attention.
- fuel and vehicle degradation... why burn fuel and expense your client 45-50p per mile if you don't have to? Environment and wallet friendly.
- client funds - don't waste client money - we will use budget hotels, or come early and leave same day to limit hotel and fuel spend.Or take a train. If we don't come, we don't need a hotel! Less washing of towels and linen. Eco friendly!
- limits lost opportunities - a free consultation is a cost to us, sure, but travelling to a site for the "hope" of getting business? We don't need to do that, thank you. We have more than enough work to reject business, and we do. Frequently. We even sent you work, remember? Not anymore *wags finger*
Experience the FREE remote consultation then don’t like us, our suggestions or our ideas? Take what we shared and feel free do it yourself or go to another consultancy, no questions asked.
Like us? Work with us. Simples! (as the Meerkats say)
In relation to desktop audits… do you recall Cheryl Blake’s post about OBERA? Office Based Evaluation and Risk Assessments? Not that long ago and although not wholly relevant to this scenario the principle is there.
Do you disagree that the use of technology is an intelligent way forward?
We are living in the 21st Century and the world is a far smaller place because of technology.
We believe we are still the only consultancy to carry out FREE initial onsite or remote documentation reviews for CMT and IAG cases.
We can work on strategy, company culture, procedures and rewrites with our clients in real time, no matter where they are in the world, including if they are self-isolating.
Isn’t technology amazing? Remote consultations, virtual meetings… wow.
Even BUPA are doing it... Online consult via Babylon. What about PushDoctor? I even put links so you can see I am telling the truth here.
We appreciate and take on board your comments as an "ex-senior inspector" and I will consider editing my post accordingly to remove any confusion about “ripping anyone off.”
In reality I think not. Nope. No edits. I do wonder, what did YOU edit on your post? Spelling error? Our name? Something more defamatory? Not sure that's possible.
Those who know us, understand us. Those who don't and read nonsense like your post will either learn, or not use us.
I guess that is the part that we were more concerned about... denigration leading to loss of business, and the public nastiness you have published.
Sadly, we know that some inspectors and ex-inspectors seem to think that every consultancy out there is “rinsing” (young people’s lingo, may need to look that up) their client base… maybe some of our pro bono clients will see this and comment on how we’ve helped them completely free of charge, especially when they have had a hard time of things?
See that? Free! Again.
How do we do free things? The other consultants charging ridiculous amounts of money allows us to be able to charge less and still do free work. Boom.
Why do we do free things? Because we like to pay forward.
The comment “This is a cynical attempt to make money from vulnerable licence holders?” was pretty low. I am in fact disgusted with this line, and you for daring to write it.
HOW DARE YOU?! Who do you think you are that you can dare speak to us like this? You are not an inspector anymore, Madeleine, and you as so wrong it hurts.
Anyone with basic knowledge of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 know the Licence Holder is responsible for recruiting a Responsible Person who is required to appropriately accredit any outsourced providers ( as per EU GDP 2013/C 343/01 Chapter 1, Subsection 1.3 and Chapter 7)… if they are vulnerable they shouldn’t be in that role, and they have to carry out appropriate due diligence on anyone they recruit!
Vulnerable, hilarious wording, Madeleine Ault. A word you use to gain traction in your defamatory post.
It’s also the responsibility of the initial inspector to ensure that the LH and RP are suitable, and there is a decent business model, right? We know over the last 12 months that things are far tighter, there are new inspectors working to the letter, there are masses of IAG and CMT cases where people have failed, and less licences appear to be being granted or are stalling because they aren't compliant.
So in relation to your nonsense "vulnerable" statement, as far as I am aware Paradigm Shift Consulting are the only company offering cost effective online Licence Holder training with a focus on assessing and choosing your third-party provider… wholly relevant to your post!!
Once again you are talking nonsense. Without evidence you dare to impugn our motives? Pish and piffle.
This online package we wrote (typically included as part of any agreed set up, if they don’t already carry out deeper training) can be bought for £79 + VAT.
We have given this free (FREE) to a number of existing clients, who have recently taken the role of Licence Holder, or who have had regulatory action against them. Why? Because we aren't motivated by milking every penny. People seem to like that for some reason.
We are also including the relevant sections of HMR 2012 as an appendix to any technical agreement so the LH knows what they are signing up for.
If there ARE any "vulnerable" Licence Holders reading this we will be happy to give you 50% off this course… £39.50 + VAT for certified training, with pre and post training assessment to evidence an increase in competency.
Even if you are not "vulnerable" and are just interested in great value training... please reach out ??
Wow! Cost effective training, whatever next?
As we said we deter people from attempting to obtain a licence if they don't have a grounding in GDP and experience in the model... and customers. We made early mistakes of "wanting to help" people when all it did was create another weak link, and see where inspectors come from with concerns that this is still happening.
Lastly.. Ripping off.
Ripping people off is subjective.
Some might say delivering training that doesn't allow a company to learn how to carry out an activity is a rip off.
We choose to offer advice during our training, rather than saying “we have to move on” when a tricky question comes up, which was a disappointed comment from a recent attendee of one of your more recent events, Madeleine. If we don't know something (not happened in a training yet) we would check with inspectors or the MHRA regulatory team.
Madeleine, feedback we have from people who have used your services is not great.. telling people what an ex-inspector or inspector of the MHRA expects or saying "this might work" rather than offering ideas of how to actually carry out an activity is a poor way to support customers and an odd way to train people ??
If anyone cares to "Ctr-F" and see how many FREE things we do in this post, I would be grateful, this has become a bit tedious.
Suggesting that our intelligent, and well considered/thoughtful actions is ripping people off... when WE are losing money because of it is quite frankly very basic and sad.
Madeleine Ault, as a Representative of SeerPharma (UK) in your profile title and in the post, letting yourself and your company down.
Your post suggests we rip people off and you do not.
Definite denigration and abuse from the market leader. I don't have much time for legal actions, but I smell a court case. I will ask the team what they think they should do. Maybe I should call Bird and Bird? ??
I was going to post a reply to your thread, but we figured you'd delete the evidence, so it's here for all to see as a beautiful article.
We welcome clarification from you or a Director of SeerPharma (UK) explaining away this unfortunate situation.
If you were a public figure I'd expect you to either make a personal apology or be dismissed.
Or completely deny it was about us. Usually the politicians way out.
An apology would be lovely, for me, for my team, and for all the people who said quite unpleasant things about you.
"Sorry I knee-jerked and made an ASS out of U and ME by assuming and commenting about your post, I am definitely old enough to know better. Love, Madeleine." Feel free to print and email that one ??
One industry contact who had written to us about your comments said they never expected an ex-MHRA inspector and representative of SeerPharma (UK), a competitor and current Market Leader for Gold Standard training, to write something so unprofessional and unsubstantiated.
It comes across as a cheap attempt at self-promotion, whilst denigrating Paradigm Shift and me in particular.
Well, Ms Ault, it didn’t work. Quite the opposite, really!
I personally feel that this has blown up massively in your face and that of your company. I might be incorrect and you may still think nasty things about us... probably moreso know.
In life we reap what we sow.
We wish you every success for the future.
Dave and the Paradigm Team
P.S I have just seen a polite challenge to your post, which you have quite rudely responded to without even making the effort of looking at the posters profile.
I helped you out, don't worry.
And there the letter ends... But not the story.
I felt more positive when I woke up this morning after receiving some messages of support, including one stating that "nobody cares what she thinks and that Paradigm have a better reputation."
Only one persons opinion, but nice to hear.
Soooo... to try and turn this frown upside down... if you want help or a bit of free (that word again?!) advice we will be pleased to try to help you and work in your best interests, even if it means sending you elsewhere.
Why would you want to work with us?
Paradigm Shift are an ISO 9001: 2015 certified CPD member with Cogent assured trainers (soon to be Gold Standard accredited, Madeleine, let the fun begin) with excellent written references from small, medium and corporate clients.
We a group of professionals including working RPs, pharmacists, trainers and subject matter experts (including a big pharma Global CAPA Lead, transport specialists with over 25 years in industry, risk specialists, training specialists) and more.
Paradigm Shift Consulting are a customer focused group of like-minded people coming together to work as a solid and real team, not a cash generating machine for shareholders or “one trick ponies” like some "rip off" merchants ????
We are a family.
We carry out significant volumes of pro bono work, carry out FREE licence termination support (we don’t kick people when they are down) and we are one of the few businesses to offer genuinely free consultations ??
Did I say we still do FREE consultations. Free. Love that word. Free. Freeeeeeeeee. No charge, no obligation. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Gratis. Nuffink. That said, don't push your luck and expect people to build you a business from nothing, takers beware!
Through this method of working we can get to better understand our client and they us.
We can often give solutions or tell people that really they are out of their depth... even if it means we don’t get paid.
Everyone makes mistakes... it's about learning from them. Early on, when it was just me, I made mistakes early on by helping those who lied about intending to do a good job, or by giving people procedures, or hiring the wrong people... and we learned from that... isn't it about continual improvement.
What else is different about Paradigm?
Paradigm Shift Consulting offer actual operational advice, and solutions, based on understanding the client and their business model. We focus on both compliance as well as customer satisfaction. We look to become part of the business and part of the company.
When we train we aim to speak to every trainee in advance (not always possible, but we try!) so we can hit as many common points so people get the best value on a given day.
We liaise with the inspectorate on a regular basis. We recruit people who love what they do, and are good at it. You can feel the passion at Paradigm Shift!
We are proud of what we do, and so are our customers. I hope some of them see this article on their news feed and comment accordingly
What sets us apart is we care as a company. We also care... and feel... as individuals... especially when people post unfounded, backward, out of date nonsense to self-promote.
This is partly why people pick us. Because we care about them. About their businesses. About our supply chains and ultimately our patients.
Our "sales department" consists of our customers, those we have helped for free when in need and those who appreciate a company that is NOT focused on money first. We get regular referrals from friends of friends... as I say to people who cannot believe I spend time with them for no cost, it's always good to make new friends.
We don’t need to pay £100s to PQG or others for advertising, but maybe we should? Level the field?
Our staff can remote work from now because of the pandemic, especially where they are carrying out SOP or QA activities. Will we lose money? Assuredly, but that is not our key driver, no matter what anyone says or thinks.
We care. A lot.
Anyone who needs genuine, free, open, honest advice about GDP from real, working RPs call our Paradigm Shift Consulting office team on 0330 133 0920, send me a message or contact us via our website www.paradigmshiftconsulting.co.uk
Good luck for the future, Madeleine Ault, we wish you every success.
Thank you for the opportunity you have given us to make our case, and show the world who and how we are. We appreciate you.
I hope you don't delete your post like a number of the team think you will. I can see some discussion has already started.
Even if you do it's all right here. In this article. For the world to see.
Returning to the title of this article. Is it wise to denigrate your competition? We think it's a pretty firm NO.
We personally don't feel anyone else is competition... when we want to be better, we want to improve ourselves, our standards and our accreditations... not be better than other people. We don't usually have the time to watching what others are doing.
Ultimately customers will pick for themselves.
Make your own minds up dear readers, and feel free to leave some hate, love or comments in the remarks section.
Teacher at Bandeknoi school
1 年I understand now. Thank you. I'm sorry
4 年"When you are actually powerful, you don't need to be petty" - Jon Stewart. Let this be a lovely reminder that ones actions speak louder than words reflecting one's character and outlook. Good post Dave!
Experienced pharmacy professional
4 年Just noticed this after a week working in the cauldron that is Covid-9. I'm concerned that people find remote working ripping off! Especially in this current climate. Face to face is useful to get an in-depth perpective of inspection, audits and even risk assessment. But we all lead busy lives. remote consultation is absolutely fine for most day to day stuff. It works for me and Paradigm. I know Dave very well and respect his work and even put up with his verbosity! I don't want to see him unless I need to ( likewise for him too!) If there is any issue I come across, all I have to do is pick up the phone. Its the way forward! AND Paradigm are not ripping anyone off!!
QA Manager | Responsible Person Experience, RPi (Delegation) | Quality Assurance, Compliance Specialist
5 年(Part 2)... Till this day i still havent met Dave face to face but we still talk, we've become friends and hes given me more support than I could ever ask for both professionally and personally. So to think anyone could accuse him and his team as being malicious is just horrible. Yes there are consultants and consultancy companies out there that take advantage of vulnerable companies and licence holders but Paradigm Shift and Dave Rushton are not part of those group of people. Whatever support he and his team have given to me is out of their own kindness and they've never asked for a penny or even a favour. So thank you Dave and team at Paradigm Shift for your ongoing support I really appreciate it and I'll never forget it. #winning ??
QA Manager | Responsible Person Experience, RPi (Delegation) | Quality Assurance, Compliance Specialist
5 年Hold onto your butts this is going to be a big one. (Possibly a 2 part comment) I've only known Dave for a short period of time. We've never met face to face but i have met some of his team and they were fantastic. We had asked him to come in and see us to help us out, from day 1 Dave and his team supported us 100%. Unfortunately the day we were supposed to meet Dave couldn't make it as his client needed him more and I support his decision to do so (shows his loyalty). However he didnt let us down not only did he send 2 of his team to see us, he also did a 'desktop audit' which helped him and his team know what they would be walking into in the 'Free', consultation that Paradigm Shift provided for us. Sure they came in, and ripped us apart but they also provided advice on what to do next and how they could help. Unfortunately as I wasn't the manager I couldn't make the final decision to work with PS but if i could have my way i would have. Even with that in mind he still remained in touch with me and gave me advice almost on a daily basis. (Part 1) P.s. Part 2 to follow....