Why you should consider working at TCS?
Senthil Kumar Thangavel
Senior Full Stack Engineer specializing in MERN Stack & Java
In the last five decades, one company rules the Indian Information Technology space and been a pioneer for most of the big giant IT companies now in India. Tata Consultancy Services shortly TCS is the name of that company.
Tata Consultancy Services is one of the top employers in the world and was awarded best place to work in many regions of the world. TCS has 556,986 employees?representing 156 nationalities across 46 countries.
Did you ever wondered what is a normal employee's life at Tata Consultancy Services would be? Have you ever thought of working for TCS? If you are not already employed, here are few reasons why you should consider working at Tata Consultancy Services.
Brand Name
Ever since we are born, every Indian in the nook and corner of the country might have heard this name. In their 150 years of legacy, they have been acting as growth catalyst of the country since founded. They are into almost all the industries increasing their brand presence in every product they have introduced.
Companies are traditionally moving on two paths – either to make money or, in idealized socialist theory, to deliver services for the community. Tata is a unique organization which was established to do both of the above.
This company has not merely reformulated many of the business principles we have been taught for generations; it has turned them upside down.
Tata Group has evolved from being a family-owned business to becoming one of the best-professionally-managed groups in the world.
In the words of Jamsetji Tata: “We think we started on sound and straightforward business principles, considering the interests of the shareholders our own, and the health and welfare of the employees, the sure foundation of our success.” His successors stood by the words of Jamsetji Tata for more than 100 years.
The ‘Tata’ brand continues to be India's most valuable brand according to the annual assessment by Brand Finance. It is always proud to be working with the brand that is leading financially and ethically, which is why I am suggesting you to consider working in TCS.
Work Environment
Tata Consultancy services provide equal opportunities to all its employees and to all eligible applicants for employment in the company. TCS respects individual's preference on religion, caste, sexual orientation, martial status. TCS do not unfairly discriminate on any ground, including race, caste, religion, color, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, disability.
TCS has created a conducive work environment built on tolerance, understanding, mutual cooperation and respect for individual privacy. Everyone in our work environment is treated with dignity and respect. TCS management will not tolerate any form of harassment.
Every feedback/issue raised by the employee is noted and is taken care of by the HR team ensuring the necessity or issue is resolved within short span of time. Wellness programs are conducted then and there for employees in all the Tata Consultancy Services offices all around the world.
Traditional day and all significant functions are celebrated in all the office locations. We use to celebrate Diwali, Pongal (Sankranti), Ramzan, Christmas. This has created a working team that feels like family.
Perfect Work-Life Balance is what every employee is looking for. Every associate of TCS will give out a statement of how perfectly it is balanced in TCS with the help of its policies.
Safety First is what the company promotes in all forms of communication. Company is asking us to put our safety first above all other things. TCS conducts awareness programs and promotions on Safety First repetitively.
Code of Conduct formalized by Ratan Tata articulates the values and ideals that guide and govern the conduct of the company as well as the employees in all matters relating to business.
You will definitely consider after you read the Code of Conduct yourselves.
Every employee who joins TCS are given opportunities then and there to upscale themselves. All are given equal opportunity which is more important for a company like TCS which acts according to its Code of Conduct.
When an employee joins the company fresh out of college, he/she is guided to learn understanding his interest and skill. Every year associates sets their goal and tends to achieve it. Few set goal to complete certificate in a area where they wish to specialize themselves. Few set goal to improve their communication/presentation skills. Leads and management always look after the employees goals and help them in achieving those goals.
TCS has a coherent development strategy which helps its employees to learn and switch to a latest trending technology. Employee can learn anything from its internal learning portal which was created and managed by its L&D team and external learning portals like LinkedIn, Udemy and others. By this way, TCS serves employees those who have a hunger for learning and developing themselves.
TCS also allows its employees to go on a sabbatical leave for their higher education ensuring their job after the completion of their education.
Out of all the Information Technology giants in India, TCS sends more employees to other countries on Deputation. Few in every team travel to a foreign country and work at onsite location of client representing TCS team directly.
By this way, TCS helps its employees to explore other country culture, language, people and their life style. TCSer staying overseas with good salary in a good company along with the family is more than what a normal Indian dream about. Even for a longer duration many employees stay back at the foreign country learning their language, enjoying weather, food, people and their culture.
On Deputation, TCS provides competitive salary along with health insurance not only for the employee but also for their dependents (Wife and kids). During emergencies, TCS management is very supportive making the employees feel like at home.
One in every fifty Indian you meet in Europe or America or Australia will be a TCSer/ex-TCSer. That many employees have travelled in Deputation. You wont see this number in any other IT company in India.
List can go on and on. Life of a TCSer has joy and peace every individual wishes for. Go on what are you waiting for. Apply for a job with Tata Consultancy Services now.
Tata Consultancy Services welcomes all the aspiring minds of the world.