Why You Should Bring Your Purpose To Work

Why You Should Bring Your Purpose To Work

Don't allow work to stop you from living.

Too often people begin to equate a job to a sense of purpose. A job will not give you purpose and it won't define your purpose.

You define your purpose.

Predominantly, purpose is an intrinsic driver.

A purpose is not a why. A why can be posed as an extrinsic and intrinsic driver.

I wholeheartedly believe a clear sense of purpose is intrinsically rooted which makes it fundamentally different from a why.

You can have a multitude of why's, but it is best only to have one purpose, the key word here is purpose, not passions, having multiple passions is OKAY, but having various purposes will conflict you when attempting to align yourself with your personal goals/ambitions.

When I was interning at Google, a young lady shared a powerful quote with me.

It's become my favorite quote ever.

"We don't live to work. We work to live."

I will never forget her words, and I try to emphasize/echo it as much as possible with the people I love.

Don't allow work to stop you from living.


Thank you for reading!

I am a community builder, AI product manager, career coach, and founder of Mentors & Mentees, a platform helping students take control of their careers. I live to strengthen the bonds that people share through compassionate and empathic action. If you're interested in collaborating with me on this mission, reach out to me on LinkedIn, my Facebook page or my e-mail address: [email protected]



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