Why are you such a 'scaredy-cat'?
All of nature operates in perfect harmony and is in impeccable balance. Everything, that is, except ADULT HUMAN BEINGS. But it hasn’t always been this way! We entered the world as perfect with a flawless vibration and no stress or fear.
Truth is we’re born with only two pre-installed fears:
1) Fear of falling, and
2) Fear of loud noises.
These two fears have become encoded into our DNA because they are necessary for our survival. Every other fear is learned… and we have many of them, but this article does not deal with general fears like being scared of clowns or spiders…. it deals with one specific type of fear and that is the fear that stops us doing what we really want to do!
Most people do not run their mind – their mind runs them. They are not ‘in control’ they are ‘being controlled’ by default software that was installed when they were young and so consequently they are governed by childhood programming and FEAR.
However, both the great and the good have recognised that the problems you face at present cannot be solved using your existing thinking, as it’s these very thought processes that have created the challenges you currently face.
So the change must happen on the inside first with what you choose to think, before you can witness any changes in the physical world outside of you.
Now you CAN’T FIX WHAT YOU CAN’T SEE….. so it’s therefore essential we have an image of our inner world or our mind, this will enable us to pinpoint where fear lives. The image shows you have 3 clear and distinct parts to your make up.…
- Part 1: Conscious Mind
- Part 2: Unconscious Mind and,
- Part 3: Body
…and it’s your understanding of how these three elements of your personality operate and interact that will enable you to tame FEAR and dramatically improve the circumstances of your life.
The image reveals that what you think in your conscious mind leads to what you feel in your unconscious mind and this in turn leads to the course of action your body ends up taking which consequently produces your health, wealth and happiness. It is essential to appreciate the enormous role your unconscious programming plays in your level of achievement, because during the life cycle of a thought - every thought has to first pass through your or programmed mind before it can be processed by your body as an action; and your unconscious is already controlled by a belief system that tells you how you feel about the world and what is possible for you.
When you were born you DIDN’T HAVE a conscious mind and so you WEREN’T able to think for yourself! And this is how all the programming got put into your unconscious. So unfortunately when we were growing up the majority of our ‘educators’ had little or no idea what they were doing; no teacher can teach what they don’t know! They of course were acting with kindness and had our best interests at heart, but quite often they were simply passing on the ‘limiting beliefs’ they had programmed into their minds. And this programming, if left unchallenged, does inevitably control the remainder of our life.
The point to stress here is that your behaviour, for the most part, is pre-determined by your mind long before you actually realise it - based on your childhood programming. Amazingly, you are really a very predictable person, often repeating old habits and ideas that run through your mind in a sequence, causing you to consistently repeat behavioural patterns (and this usually means mistakes) again and again.
Can you see how important all that crap from the past really is? Even though we are adults and all ‘grown up’ now! Psychologists estimate that 97% of our behaviour is driven by our unconscious mind and the habits stored there. So it’s time to realize you have been scammed and this has kept you small. No matter what you have achieved, no matter how big your life is you could have achieved more if you hadn’t (on occasions) allowed fear to pull you back. Well enough is enough. It’s time to release yourself from fear… now you know exactly what fear is you can manage it... and I am going to show you how. So it’s time to say these words out loud……. FEAR IS JUST A LIAR AND BULLY! Because once you face you’re fears they lose their power over you. In order to successfully do this you must recognise who you really are. Most people experience themselves purely as a physical being, considering the events of their life merely from a material perspective. It’s not until they make the CRITICAL CONNECTION between their spiritual-self and their physical-self that it all clicks into place.
The vast majority of the world has it backwards and upside down. We are not physical beings having the occasional spiritual experience – we are SPIRITUAL beings having a PHYSICAL experience! The material components in the universe are not the ultimate reality; consciousness is what reality is all about. Everything in the Universe (including US) is no more than just vibrating energy and it’s the law of vibration together with its counterpart the law of attraction that govern this energy.
We communicate with this energy through our thoughts and feelings because the Universe is not listening to our words, it’s picking up our frequency, and it’s this frequency that attracts whomever and whatever we are in harmony with into our life.
Now if you are not satisfied with your current set of results then you must set about changing these various programed frequencies, and to do this you must change the stored images in your brain; because your vibration and subsequently your outcomes are quite literally determined by these images. And the most effective way to replace these images is by Creative Visualisation; just like the only way to replace darkness is to switch on a light. The process has 3 steps:
1. Recognize
2. Visualize
3. Materialize
Step 1: RECOGNIZE - where you are – ACKNOWLEDGE your position – Be honest with yourself; identify what is wrong and what you want to change.
Step 2: VISUALIZE - See it the way you’d like it be CREATE/INVENT IT more than just this you must IMAGINE IT’S ALREADY HAPPENED/ASSUME THE FEELING
Step 3: MATERIALIZE - Once you see it the way you’d like it be; MAKE IT THIS SO!
Give Time Time. Remember there is “a Season for sowing, season for reaping and you can’t do both in the same season”.