Why are you on the Planet?

Why are you on the Planet?

Most of us come to the planet with an innate desire to make a difference. We are generally not aware of the difference we are to make, and for many of us we forget all about it as we get socialized into the demands and expectations of life, beginning in childhood.?

I spoke with an associate last week who has interviewed hundreds of people about their purpose and how they experience spirituality. She shared that few people reach adulthood with clarity about what they came here to do.?

These people may feel something knocking from the inside trying to express itself but not know what to do about it. Yet in spite of the knocking, they keep on living a life on auto-pilot, doing the same thing each day, liking it less and less. Until trauma enters their life that opens them up to a new understanding of who they are and what is possible. That’s when they get on the path to their purpose.

Don’t wait for the trauma to drive you to embrace your purpose. Get on your path now and get focused on it so that trauma has no room in your world!

To some degree, your purpose is likely related to making a difference in the world. Unless you see the world as perfect, you are probably bothered by something that is going on and might wish you could do something about it.

You can.

Give me an hour of your time and I will expand your understanding of the important role you can play and help you see the wide sphere of opportunity available to you.


I look forward to seeing you there and inspiring you to make the change you are here to make. The world needs you!


