Why are you networking?
Have you ever been to a networking event and left there with the same number of your own cards that you went there with, yet you have a pocket full of everyone else's cards?
Imagine attending a networking event, handing out your cards at hyper speed and never asking for someone else's card in return? What message are you sending to people..."Call me so I can sell you my product but since I have no idea who you are or how to find you I will never be interested in what you can offer me. I will never know anything about you, your business or who you know. I'll just sit by the phone and wait till you call me so I can sell you something." Is this the message you want to send to your network? I don't think so. I think you just haven't figured out yet that people want to feel like other people care about them.
Try going to your next event and not talk about yourself unless someone asks and if they do ask keep it short and go back to you asking the questions. For some of you it may seem impossible; it may be hard at first but I guarantee you'll come out of there feeling really great and you'll have a stack of business cards from people who will remember you when you call them to meet for coffee. That's when they'll learn about you.
Rule number one...Ask for someone's card as soon as you can. Take a moment to examine it and ask questions about their card, their business and sometimes you'll get to learn about their family, their hobbies. You'll also sometimes learn what their hot button is.
Rule number two...Only hand out your card IF they ask for it. If they don't ask don't give. This is a tough one for some people. You're thinking..."If I don't give them my card how will they know how to reach me to buy my product or service?" News flash...They don't want to know about you or your product..at least not yet but you've got their card and you know things about them they don't even realize they told you. That's powerful information for the next time you connect with them at another networking event or in a face to face meeting. You'll ask..."How's business, has it improved since the last time we spoke? How are the kids doing? How's your dog spot doing? Did you take them on that vacation you talked about the last time? The fact that you know so much about them and yet they know nothing about you will blow their mind.
Remember...The one asking the questions is in control of the conversation. When you do meet for coffee be the one asking questions and eventually they'll run out of things to talk about and they'll say...So...tell me about what you do. Now it's their turn to learn about you, what you do, why you do it and how you can help each other. This is how you'll both be able to tap into each others networks. This will create long term relationships and long term growth for both of you. Good luck with your future networking events and post if you got results.