The brain wakes up in the morning and prepares a cup of coffee and goes to its control desk.

Ready to go through another day pushing, clicking, turning different levers and buttons.

Something like this.

If my brain had such a control desk, I'd be impressed. Read on ;)

All these levers and buttons and gauges throughout your entire life have gone through transitions, development and improvement to get to where it is.

If you know anything about yourself is that you are a human being.

Being human means being a combo of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

All directed and controlled on that control panel of your mind.

But what if I could tell you that you can once again do an entire revamp of that panel?

Yesterday we talked about thoughts and beliefs.

I hope you took it upon yourself to explore the ideas.

Whether they made sense or you took action is of no concern to me.

I, am happy that you came back to see what madness I have for today.

Let's get right into it.

"Being human means being a combo of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs." A quote by Waithaka Ian.

I couldn't agree more.

How we feel has a direct connection to what we believe in.

But you can also believe in something completely different than what you feel.

"Feeling is the Secret!" Neville Godard.

Rewind back to yesterday's posts of how you are working towards a goal and a life you have set for yourself an year from today.

And everyday, you are doing the actions that compound to attract that future to you.

Not forgetting that your actions are backed up by belief.

Belief on the other hand is backed up by feelings.

Feelings are emotions.

Emotions are like the sea.

It can be calm, beautiful and inviting.

It can also turn into a tsunami that devastates and destroys everything in its path.

google states that, 'emotions are conscious mental reactions (such as anger or excitement) subjectively experienced as strong feelings usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body.'

Personally that explanation is heavy to understand.

Let's see if I can break it down better.

Notice how the word 'feelings' has be used in that sentence.

I define emotions as energy in motion. Energy that is constantly moving up and down, in and out, high and low.

Neville said that feeling is the secret but sometimes what we want to believe in we feel completely different.

Story Time.

There was a point I wanted to believe in how I am such a great and prolific writer but I felt like an imposter when I said that myself.

It felt like I was lying.

The mind, because of its protective mechanism, didn't want to believe in something that it has never seen, experienced and have proof on.

This led me to understanding why feeling is the secret.

Your emotions...

Your sea has power.

When you think about that future you want, you also have to add feelings.

How does it feel to be doing that activity?

How does it feel to wake up everyday and know that you get to do those tasks?

How does it feel?

We believe in things because we feel a certain way about them.

You believe in a higher power because you feel so much love, appreciation, respect, admiration, a little bit of fear and many more.

Progressively, as you have grown up, your beliefs have been confirmed by somethings that happened in your life that you couldn't explain.

What if you could also believe in your dreams, goals, ambitions and plans because you feel XYZ to those beliefs.

And step by step as your beliefs, thoughts and feelings aligned, you begin to see things happen.

Because I felt like an imposter and a liar, my beliefs in my writing took longer to become my reality.

I thought it was hard and I felt like a fraud, then believing I am a great and prolific writer became difficult.

However, I decided to change my feelings.

I changed my beliefs by realizing that I was basing my emotions from past experience.

When it comes to the future, I have no experience.

It hasn't been written or decided.

Therefore, I can decide to feel differently about it.

I decided to feel good about writing.

I decided to feel like it was easy and words flowed like water.

Your future is like a blank canvas.

And because that future is yours, it is a part of you, you become the paint and the painter.

When a painter wants to create a painting, in their mind they can imagine and see the finished product or at least a concept of it.

But the can't exactly put that image on the canvas all at once.

So they have to start from the ground coming up.

They have to start with with the base colors and start adding layers over time.

A new layer is only added when the previous one has dried.

Enough about painting.

Your future, your emotions, your beliefs, your thoughts can all be created a new on a blank canvas and that becomes you.

When I changed how I felt about writing, then believing became easier and then doing it stopped seeming like such a task.

Remember the control panel and your brain.

The brain can now start pressing different emotional buttons for you to feel completely different about the things you want to do or start or improve.

Whatever you want for yourself, start to feel those good emotions, and then believe in yourself, and take those emotions and tie up them up into a bundle wrapped and covered in thoughts of yourself as those emotions and beliefs.

Makes sense?

Makes sense! - shakes hands-

Good morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight.


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