Why you need to be a systems thinker in health care
Practicing medicine today is so much more than the interaction between you and the patient sitting before you. Physicians must understand all parts of the health care system—from the emergency department to the primary care clinic, from the patient’s family to community organizations—and critically think about how all these moving parts can work together to improve patients’ health, meet their health care needs and anticipate and mitigate safety threats or other problems.It is a practice called systems thinking://www.ama-assn.org/education/accelerating-change-medical-education/why-you-need-be-systems-thinker-health-care?fbclid=IwAR1V9XpuPAxQreWYQ3_2cxnZfTcjtZqTWRjon5ig-5zQ6R-LsxpoO4D0kuo