Why You Need to Spend Money to Make Money
Here’s the thing:
The money that you spend is the money that you make.
Cheap solutions give cheap results
If you settle for a cheap solution...
If you settle for a free hoster like Blogspot...
If you seriously consider spending hours every week or every day to blog to create content, on something that you do not have full control over...
Then I'm sorry. You need to rethink your goals.
Want real results? Here’s what it takes
You need to rethink why you are actually spending all the time.
If you are just testing out and you don't wanna get used to HTML or something like that - yeah I'm just trying, I'm just learning...
Why not do it real?
Why not spend those $10 or $20 a month on proper web hosting?
Spend money to make money
Because here is the kicker...
You have full control and the moment you start with a proper product that costs money.
You actually get exposed to all the opportunities.
You have full control over your web hosting.
You have full control over whatever you wanna do in the future, once you have some content you want to integrate with other products.
So you wanna do some marketing, you wanna get social, you wanna fix the Facebook thing, you wanna get your share widgets there...
All these things.
Cheap solutions have a huge risk
Let me guarantee you, if you go for a cheap solution, you will listen to these words:
You will regret it.
You will regret it and believe me:
I spent the first $50 a month or something on web hosting and I never looked back.
I’ve spoken to companies,companies with people, that rent office space that have people on their payroll, that make 6 or 7 figures in revenue, that had their business on a free web host.
Not a good idea.
Nobody ever made money by saving money.
And while you saved maybe a couple of hundred per year on web hosting, I guarantee that you will spend that money on the first problem that you cannot solve.
SEO requires good hosting
And then we have all the SEO issues.
You need to redirect that website...
You need those links to work...
And you will lose all the traffic.
You will lose your investment.
Your marketing for the last couple of years might go bust overnight, by just changing your web hosting, OK?
How's that? You don't like it?
Then go and get yourself some proper web hosting where you have full control.
OK? Thank you very much.
I'm Christoph Cemper founder of LinkResearchTools.
Want more?
Want to get the best SEO results? Learn more about why our customers love LinkResearchTools: https://cemper.co/makemore
With love and respect,
Christoph C. Cemper
Christoph C. Cemper is the founder of LinkResearchTools and creator of Link Detox, the world-leading solution for link analysis. He has been studying, testing and working with links since 2003. He is a well-known speaker and link expert around the world and spoke already on 312 conferences. Since 2007 he has been sharing his findings and expertise at over 152 public trainings.