Why YOU need to speak in public at least once in your life.

Why YOU need to speak in public at least once in your life.

Full disclosure: Just like everybody on Linkedin, I enjoy making connections everyday with new people. It's such a great pleasure and learning (fulfilling) experience to be able to find people who you can add value to and bring new opportunities on this platform. It also goes the other way.

However, occassionally you may find that you are mismatched with potential connections or they don't share the same values as you. Or they might not appreciate you reaching out to ask to connect. (oops) It happens and we just have to ride it out (meaning dealing with the rejection). I guess that's a part of life. This post was born out of this kind of a situation that happened to me recently.

The person in question was not happy that I had found them on Linkedin and was asking to connect(and that's a fair point), but it was the reason they gave that got to me. I explained who I was and the reason I was reaching out (public speaking for English non-natives). This person then went on to say they spoke English better than their native language, so would not be needing my help.

Which bring me to the point of this post:

Just because you speak English well doesn't make you automaticaly prepared to speak or give a talk in public.

Lots of people in all industries (regardless of position) of are quite hesitant about practicing their speaking until they need it. Or they put off the idea till it's unavoidable and too late.Then desperation and stress kick in because they are out of time and need to get good real fast. You know how it is.

Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident” – Dale Carnegie

If you go with the idea that everyone of us on the planet is unique, then you have to agree that we all have unique stories to share that the world wants to hear.

Add to the fact that in life we all have situations where we have to face the public at some point. In Business or in social situations you see.

Don't believe me?

here's some examples:

  • Presenting at a conference or seminar.
  • Delivering a speech at a graduation ceremony.
  • Participating in a panel discussion or debate.
  • Leading a team meeting or presenting a project update.
  • Giving a sales pitch or product demonstration.
  • Speaking at a community event or public gathering.
  • Conducting a training session or workshop.
  • Addressing shareholders or stakeholders at a company event.
  • Toasting or giving a speech at a wedding.
  • Speaking at a fundraising event or charity function.
  • Participating in a job interview or delivering a professional pitch
  • Speaking at a networking event or industry conference.
  • Presenting research findings at an academic conference.
  • Advocating for a cause or delivering a persuasive speech.
  • Leading a team-building activity or facilitating a workshop.
  • Addressing a town hall meeting or public forum.
  • Participating in a public speaking competition or debate.
  • Conducting a webinar or virtual presentation.
  • Speaking at a press conference or media event.
  • participating on a podcast.
  • putting yourself on Youtube.

I think you catch my drift. The list is endless. Each one of these activities requires you to step up your game. You need to communicate and influence the audience with the idea that you have in mind. You are going to need to step out in faith and put yourself out there for public scrutiny. Wouldn't you be better off having to practice and put in some work in to get better at this skill then? It is what it is.

So anyway, I haven't replied back to the person I mentioned earlier, because I wanted to give a measured and gentle response back.(Without burning any bridges)

Do you think I succeeded in doing that? I'm sure you'll let me know if I didn't! :)

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