Why you Need My Neurodivergent Coaching:

Why you Need My Neurodivergent Coaching:

1. One of the first things to realize, is that as a neurodivergent person, we are people uniquely unsuited for the neurotypical world, that we live in. Primarily, through no fault of are own we find ourselves in unideal job situations, unideal relationships, we feel misunderstood, we feel suicidal and we feel depressed because the world doesn't "get" us. If you were to tell this to me, I would totally get where your coming from, because I too have felt many of these differing feelings and it's tough when your the only neurodivergent room in a place that's purely neurotypical. In this sense, it can take literally YEARS to figure out what works and what doesn't work as, people with Autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, BPD, CPTSD, psychopathy, sociopathy, skizotypal disorder, Mania and all these other differing conditions unite us under the banner that is neurodivergence.

Thus, comes the simple problem and simple question we must ask ourselves, how can we live with ourselves to live our best lives in a neurotypical society? How can we be who we want to become while shedding are red-pill neurotypical conditionings? For me, this experience started well over 6 years ago and ever sense, I've been on this journey of trying to be who it is that I want to become, I've learned techniques to manage my executive deficits, to manage and learn being different, to manage the suscidal thoughts that have went through my head, to manage that lingering anxiety that keeps me on edge sometimes, to learn to socialize in a world that isn't necessarily fit for my cognition has been challenging. I've had to learn how to have relationships with the normies and how to adapt to their moronic rules, so that I myself could live my best possible life. By trusting the process and learning to be who it is I want to become I've learned that managing neurodivergent is a skill that takes YEARS and it's not something that all neurodivergent people can learn to optimize because it's thousands of trial and error attempts and learning the proper pieces of information to be able to be who it so you want to become and live the most optimal life possible rather than just being yourself. Hence, the purpose of neurodivergent coaching comes in where are time is too limited.... to learn all that we need to learn. This is where I come into play and can teach you to manage your neurodivergent so that you can be who it is you want to become. So let's get into it...Why do you need neurodivergent coaching?

  1. You Need to Have the right Language to identify neurotypicals and your own neurodivergent experience: A neurodivergent coach like myself, has spent many many years developing the proper language to identify the differences of are own cognitive experiences relative to that of neurotypicals. In other-words, a neurodivergent coach like myself can teach you how to express your own unqiue cognitive experience in a psychological capacity that you might not have been able to define otherwise. For example, if you do not know why neurotypical conditioning is so devastating to neurodivergent goals, it's because you've been preconditioned to think like a neurotypical rather than as a neurodivergent person, hence why you have failed to attain your neurodivergent goals. Thus, neurodivergent goals gives us clarity to identify issues in are own cognition so that we can correct it, this is when neurodivergent coach comes in.
  2. Neurodivergent coaching gives you someone who truly understands you... The reason why so many neurodivergent people feel so misunderstood is because your literally around people who are neurotypical, they can never understand you because they don't share your cognitive experience. A neurodivegrent coach serves as a person who you can come too, to vent your problems, who can empathize deeply and emotionally connect with you in ways you cannot comprehend. A neurodivergent coach like myself, can help you through the tough times, because I have been through the tough times. I have been suscidial , I've had thoughts of hanging myself from a tree, I've been depressed, I've felt alienated, I've felt alone, I've felt angry, disowned, been broke and all those things. So a neurodivergent can help you bounce ideas with a deeply listen, because we live it every fucking day.

3. Neurodivergent Coaching gives you unique neurodivergent insights: As a neurodivergent coach, I can teach you all the optimized short-cuts to managing and dealing with the problems of neurodivergence in a way that will strengthen and make your neurodivergence a strength rather than a weakness. To learn all the tips and tricks to optimizing your mindset, diet, exercise regiment, books to read and cognitive reflection process takes decades to develop because it is a trial and error process, I'm constantly refining. With a neurodivergent coach like me, I can get you directly to what works and you don't have to waste your time on the long trial of pain and suffering that I had to go through and am still going through. In other-words, I can make you become your best-self in half the time it toke me because, I have optimized knowledge that you cannot acquire anywhere else

4. A neurodivergent coach holds you accountable to yourself to not use your disorder as an excuse:

As a neurodivergent person, the one thing that I always hate more than anything is being told something that I cannot do. I never EVER let my ADHD hold me back or ever let it stopping me from achieving and living my best life. As a high functioning ADHD Person, I work to never let myself off the hook, I am always pushing myself, always striving to become more than what I am. Unfortunately, as an uneducated neurodivergent person you might find yourself making excuses because, letting yourself off the hook and holding a victim mindset is much easier to do than to actually push yourself to do more than what you are capable off. As a neurodivergent coach, I can show you that being disabled is not just a liabiltiy but can be an asset if you use it the right way. You just need to change your mindset about yourself and I will hold you accountable for your bullshit, when you cannot hold yourself accountable. Accountability is easily one of the most important factors towards being who you want to become. Thus, neurodivergent coaching serves to be your insurance policy to hold you accountable to the life that you'd like to live.

SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Neurodivergent coaching could be the difference between a mediocre life or an amazing life, if you take the leap and trust in the process of being who you want to become. If your tired of being a victim of neurotypicals, tired of being depressed and tired all the time, tired of not being understood.

Then, PM me for a coaching session and I can work with you STEP BY STEP to get you to your optimized success. You can also email me at : Drewedu19@gmail.com



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