"God dammit another useless webinar."

How many times per day do you think unsuspecting internet travelers say that?

Maybe you've sat through one of these abominations, or maybe you have even been on the other side and created one... curse you!

Now, I'm not saying webinars are bad. IN FACT... just the opposite. I think webinars are a fantastic way to convey information and present your businesses solutions. However, if they're not well planned and executed, all you're going to do is annoy those poor unsuspecting participants:

Let's talk about McDonalds for a second shall we?

WHAT? I know you're wondering why the hell would I want to bring the golden arches up, well let me tell you something...

Have you ever sat in the drive-through line for one of those artisan sandwiches? I hate those things, but you know what I love...?

McDonald's systematization and the clarity for their process! (Unless you have a delinquent worker who spits in your food and throws your drink at you of course).

When you go to any McDonalds you know exactly what you're going to get. You know they're going to give you fries with that and you know where to find the ketchup. It's always the same! No matter if you're in California, Venezuela, North Korea (Maybe not), or the great OHIO!

Think about it... how does your business stack up?

When a potential client visits your landing page or wants to purchase your services, what type of clarity to they have?

Or when they sit through your webinar, do they clearly understand how you're going to help them and that your an expert?

Maybe you're thinking you're fine and you know better than the customer. Well before you decide to crash this plane into the ground, let's consider what your customer thinks...

"Oh look another webinar to sit through, I can't wait to see what I learn."

"Oh wow we are 10 minutes in and I haven't learned a thing."

"20 testimonials later..."

F*** this I'm going to go to McDonald's.

Then they can restore their clarity and see a real system at work. Instead of handing over their cash to you, they're going to shovel it to that creepy clown. Of course not every customer is going to be like this. Or are they?

What does your customer think of your process?

Is your customer journey a clear and present process? Or is it a scrambled hot mess like your local cafe that seems to get the order wrong EVERY TIME!

Especially if you're new into entrepreneurship or your an old stubborn dog, that may be a difficult question for you to answer. But I have a solution for you:

Hold your horses though, I'm not trying to sell you anything so don't click away just yet.

I suppose you might call this a sales letter that doesn't sell anything.

Just think about the following ideas and let me know what you think in the comments:

  • Think about the customer first. Put yourself into their shoes. Ask them questions, conduct surveys, read the periodicals and visit the websites they read (maybe not ALL the websites...)
  • Map out your process. Test it. Iterate the system you have created. However, if you're the ONLY ONE testing your process, you're NOT testing it at all! Keep that in mind, I remember the first webinar I created, I was the only one who sat through it.. what a mistake that was. Ask your customers and random strangers at your local pharmacy to test out your sales funnel. (strangers who fit your criteria of course)
  • Last but certainly not least is to find outside help. There's a wide world of 100,000,000 consultants who want to help you out. Find someone who can help you solve your problems and find clarity. Don't ask me though, I'm not the best candidate for handling these small details, YET, but I'm sure I could help point you in the right direction if you need.

All these things will help you create a "McDonald's Drive-Through" for your business. Systematization and clarity to help you scale and avoid having your customers say YUCK!

Instead they'll say YES I love you Mr. Businessman-or-woman... Maybe not THAT dramatic, but what they WILL say is TAKE MY MONEY!

PHEW that was long wasn't it? Hopefully you found some value in this, if you did let me know what you think. If you didn't, that's too bad!


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