Why You Need To Lean Into Brand Marketing
Andy Neary
We help insurance industry professionals get more leads and win more sales in less time.
Take a moment to picture this scenario.
It's January.
You sit down and set your annual sales goals. You write down the number that you're going to hit this year, and it's a significant number, but you're excited because you are confident you will reach and exceed it.
So now it's time to go prospect. Here's what you do ...
You go to a platform like ZoomInfo or some other lead platform, and you buy or pull a massive list of 1000s of prospects, and you look at this list, and you think that with such a significant list, there is no way you won't hit your sales goals this year!
You start attacking the list. Cold call after cold call, email after email. You just hit up these unassuming prospects for the first quarter with some good old direct marketing.?
But by June, you're a little frustrated because you haven't made any progress. You sit down and tweak your message.?
Entering July, you're excited to re-approach it with a new message, and you still have six months to hit your goal. You return to attacking this list with some direct marketing.?
By late August and early September, you're starting to get nervous because you haven't created the momentum you thought you would back in January when you set that lofty goal.?
The stress begins accelerating because the end of the year is approaching, and you're not as near the lofty goal that you thought you would be by this time. So what do you do??
You change your message again and buy yet another list, and you start attacking this list just like you have the last part of the year, which didn't work.?
Before you know it, December's here, and the end of the year is staring you in the face.?
Now you're no longer selling. You're begging for business. You're hoping somebody will say yes to you.?
Have you ever been there??
Good news, you're not alone.?
This is how most advisors and agencies still prospect. They apply good old direct marketing to a massive list of people who have no clue who they are.?
To fix it, you must start leaning into brand marketing.?
Ask yourself, what do you believe? What do you stand for? How do you feel about the product you sell??
You must stand for something, believe in something, and then find a few dozen who believe it too. This is how you change the trajectory of your business. Stop trying to talk to 1000s of people when you don't need to.?
If you apply a little more brand marketing to your prospecting strategy at the beginning of the year, the results at the end would be completely different.?
As you enter Q4 and leading into 2023, figure out what you stand for, and then go share that message with a few people, not 1000s. When you align with the right people, the right people will raise their hands, and your sales will change forever.?