Why You Need to Earn the Right to Get In Shape

Why You Need to Earn the Right to Get In Shape

When it comes to building muscle, losing fat, and getting in the best shape of your life, there are no results just given. They are only earned.

If you want to lose fat, you have to put forth the effort, consistently.

If you want to get Rhino-Jacked, you have to put forth the effort, consistently.

There are no shortcuts. Even if you’re taking steroids, results still don’t come without the effort.

Results have to be earned. And just like you have to earn your results through effort, so too must you earn the right to go after those results.

The health and fitness industry continues to grow year after year; typically through one fad or another promising fast, easy results without having to put in the work that most people don’t want to put in anyway. We’ve seen this from low-fat and low-carb diets to intermittent fasting and keto, along with things like peloton, crossfit, and bootcamps.

All aimed at providing you “better” results, easier. And in doing this, the ‘Health’ part of health and fitness is slowly being forgotten.

The problem is, permanent, long-lasting results in fitness don’t come without the health part as well. Our health is the foundation for progress. You can’t sustainably lose fat or build muscle without a healthy lifestyle to back it up.

And this is one of the biggest mistakes I made, and see other people make when it comes to getting in better shape: Their health isn’t nearly where it needs to be to start chasing that goal.

Now, when I talk about health not being where it needs to be, I’m not saying you're disease-ridden, with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. Certainly, those can be issues for some, yes. But your health is about much more than being sick or overweight.

When we talk about health, we’re talking about things like sleep, stress management, recovery, digestion, nutrient balance, metabolism, and much more. Things that most people don’t give much thought to.

And therein lies the issue - many people aren’t paying attention to (or don’t know about) some of the biggest factors that influence our progress when it comes to getting in better shape.

So because of that, when they inevitably decide that they want to drop 25 pounds, or start building some muscle, they struggle to get results. Progress comes slowly and inconsistently. They suffer through their plan. And inevitably, many give up before ever reaching their goal.

The problem is, no matter how badly you want to lose fat, build muscle, and get in the best shape of your life, you have to earn the right to do that.

You have to earn the right to get in better shape through living a healthy lifestyle.

Just because you want to chase a certain goal, does not mean your body or health in a good position to do so. It doesn’t mean that just because you drop calories or start lifting weights that you’re going to see the results you want.

There’s so much more to it than that. And if you want to get in the best shape of your life - for the rest of your life - you need to take that into account as well.

I’ve worked with other coaches and people in the industry who were shocked at how much better they felt, and how much easier it was getting results, once they started focusing on more than just macros and weights.

And that’s what I’m going to share with you as well. Over the next several posts, I'm going to be diving deep into each of the topics I mentioned above - the healthy lifestyle factors that need to be taken into account if you want to get in the best shape of your life for the rest of your life.

We’ll talk about why each one matters, and what you can do to optimize all areas of your health - so you can start earning the right to build the body you want too.

Talk soon,



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