Why you need to clean your gutters!
Sophia Wrightway
Cleaning Gutters, across the West Midlands - Domestic & Commercial
Gutters are an essential but rarely thought about part of your home - unless rainy weather arrives - and your gutters are BLOCKED!
When rainwater flows down the slope of your roof, it reaches your gutters, which then send the water down to a drain below. This means that the water is kept well away from your walls, where it could seep in and cause damage.
Why do gutters need cleaning?
Put simply, to keep the outside drainage system of your home working, you need to clear your gutters. If you don't and your gutters become blocked, rainwater can overflow and run down the walls of your house.
This is when you can encounter problems, because water can, over time, seep into your home through wall cavities and gaps in brickwork, which could cause damp and mould, leading to potential health problems.
This can also damage your home’s structure if it’s not stopped early on and will cost a lot of money to repair as well.
It’s also worth noting that your home insurance may not cover you for damage caused by damp and condensation, making any potential repairs even more costly.
You may also not be covered if water damage is caused by you not cleaning your gutters often enough, so it’s essential that you check what your home insurance covers - and take steps to rectify the situation.
How often should gutters be cleaned?
That depends on:
- Whether you have trees close by your home
- How often it rains where you live
- The season or time of year
- How old your house is
As a minimum, you should really check your gutters twice a year - once after autumn and once after spring. If the weather is particularly bad throughout the year, you should check on them three or four times – just in case there’s more debris than normal.
Ensure that you access your gutters safely - or get in a professional company (such as ourselves) to it for you. Added peace of mind, knowing that the work will be carried out quickly AND safely.
If there are lots of trees around your home, leaves are likely to fall around autumn time. These can get into your gutters, causing a blockage that needs clearing.
The same goes for when spring arrives, as there's likely to have been a gathering of debris and dirt from winter that needs clearing out. Plus, there’s more rainfall, on average during this season, so making sure you have free-flowing gutters is important.
If your house or guttering are older it’s best to not only check if they need cleaning, but also that there’s no cracks or damage.
If you're concerned that your guttering is likely to cause damage to your property through blockages, GutterPRO can provide you with a FREE quote - and if there's no work to be done, there's NO CHARGE!!!
Pop yourself over to GutterPRO.co.uk and get a quote from the professionals!