Why you need to bring out the best in people around you
Subhashis Banerji
#OvercomePersonalChallenges #EffectiveBusinessSolutions, #EffectivelyHandleCriticalLifeissues, #ResultsFocusedSolution, #OvercomeBusinessChallenges, #SimplePracticalDisruptiveSolutions, #MentoringCoachingCounseling
If you want to be extraordinarily successful, happy and fulfilled - you need to master the art of bringing-out the best in others.
This is basic psychology as well as common-sense - if you want to accomplish incredibly significant, powerful, meaningful and massive feats - other people have to support and help you.
But to bring out the best in others - you need to first become the bestest-version of yourself.
Unless you become an excellent parent [or son/daughter or sibling], a great professional, a wonderful human being - who helps others grow - you can’t help anyone.
27 questions to find the most supportive well-wishers people in your life - ask yourself do you have these type of people in your life
1.?????????????????Who support of your dreams, ambitions and goals
2.?????????????????Who themselves have big dreams
3.?????????????????Who are working on themselves and their goals
4.?????????????????Who understand that in order to grow they need to help others grow
5.?????????????????Who are ambitious, energetic and enthusiastic
6.?????????????????Who [subconsciously] challenge you to perform at your highest levels
7.?????????????????Who inspire you and motivate you to do greater things for yourself
8.?????????????????Who are upbeat to theirs as well as your future
9.?????????????????Who are responsible and respectful
10.????????????Who are themselves disciplined in their habits
11.????????????Who tell you what you must do and help you do that
12.????????????Who are doers besides being dreamers
13.????????????Who are positive and constructive thinkers
14.????????????Who sees the qualities and possibilities in you
15.????????????Who make efforts to know you better
In this article you will learn the following
?-27 questions to find your most genuine well-wishers - ask yourself do you have these type of people in your life
-18 questions to identify people who pull you down - these type of people you will have plenty and won’t have to look for - but you must learn to deal with them effectively
-57 tips on how to bring out the best in yourself - both do’s and don’ts - given randomly - all the one sentences tips have 900+ blogs in out both the websites - in simple do-it-yourself ways
-27 tips on how to deal with people you find difficult, distasteful or downright obnoxious
-45 tips on how to bring out the best in others?
18 questions to identify people who pull you down - these type of people you will have plenty and won’t have to look for - but you must learn to deal with them effectively
1.?????????????????Who are jealous and envious of you and your success and happiness [which you have got after lot of struggle]
2.?????????????????Who try to bring you and others down
3.?????????????????Who don’t respect others
4.?????????????????Who show as if they are your well-wishers but actually feel threatened [although their success is no way related with yours]
5.?????????????????Who believe that in order to grow - they must step-on others to rise
6.?????????????????Who believe that others have to be miserly and must fail for them to feel good
7.?????????????????Who only criticize and talk about your weaknesses
8.?????????????????Who talk behind your back
9.?????????????????Who mock at your dreams
10.????????????Who ridicule and make fun of your weakness
57 tips on how to bring out the best in yourself - both do’s and don’ts - given randomly - all the one sentences tips have 900+ blogs in out both the websites - in simple do-it-yourself ways
1.?????????????????If realize that you are being pulled down by your guilt, your shame, the mistakes you made in your life, your failures and regrets - then become committed and make a conscious determined effort to change your future by changing the actions you take in your present
2.?????????????????Create your talent inventory - by asking people who are close to you to share what it is that they think you are good at doing - and what makes you unique and special
3.?????????????????Go back to your life - identify what makes you happy what you love doing
4.?????????????????Before you leave bed each morning - allocate 30 minutes dreaming and planning
5.?????????????????Start taking risks to do and become what you want to be
6.?????????????????Stop trying to prove that you are the smartest or most capable person
7.?????????????????Ways to connect with the right people - to have your relationships can bring out the best in you
8.?????????????????Identify, connect and surround yourself with people who will never let you settle for less than you can be
9.?????????????????Accept that your quality life - up-to great extent gets shaped by the type of people you have in your life
10.????????????Finding and connecting with people who can lift you up is downright impossible - if you don’t actively recognize and cultivate them as mentor.
11.????????????And to find them - you have to work on growing yourself - you have to model, mirror and imbibe their admirable traits.
12.????????????Share your goals and make them partner
13.????????????Start with the process of self-reflection - ask for feedback
14.????????????Broaden your network - to expose you to new ideas, activities, and opportunities
15.????????????Hang out with people who are better, smarter, more intelligent, more qualified, more experienced, more successful - than you
16.????????????Acknowledge their compliments and admirations and appreciations with simple thank you
17.????????????Find and recognize their qualities and express your sincere admiration and appreciation
18.????????????If you misunderstand?- don't presume - don't assume just ask to clarify
19.????????????Learn how they want to be treated and treat them like that
20.????????????Acknowledge their contributions - by simple gestures
21.????????????Create a safe space with support from people who care about us
22.????????????Be grateful -the act of being thankful can increase your confidence give you the motivation to move towards your goals
23.????????????Appreciate what you have - sometimes you may have it so regularly you forget that not everyone does it
27 tips on how to deal with people you find difficult, distasteful or downright obnoxious
1.?????????????????Ask yourself - which of your friends bring out the best or and which person manages to make your crazy-worst behaviors come out.
2.?????????????????Learn to recognize the signs of a healthy relationship - don't continue to be with someone who makes you unhappy
3.?????????????????Accept that - whatever you might feel about someone - others may feel the same about you
4.?????????????????And also know that - you will be able to avoid some people but can’t get few out of your life
5.?????????????????And that all of us have to work with people we dislike
6.?????????????????Accept that you can’t like everyone - but this is true for others when it comes to you
7.?????????????????Identify your triggers - which people can press and make you lose your self-control
8.?????????????????Create methods to deal with your triggers effectively - when pressed by others
9.?????????????????Learn to manage your emotions and moods better
10.????????????Identify what makes you frustrated and irritated frequently - lean to manage them better
11.????????????Learn to become dissociate with toxic people’s behaviors if you can’t get rid of them
12.????????????Learn to create a non-reactive poker face
13.????????????Treat all people with civility and politeness - if even you don’t agree with them
45 tips on how to bring out the best in others
1.?????????????????Bringing out the best in others would need changing and practicing a set of behaviors-mindset-actions-habits - within you
2.?????????????????Become a coach - build them up by helping them maximize their strengths and managing their weaknesses
3.?????????????????Be an army drill sergeant - who pushes, challenges and transforms an individual to prepare them to succeed.
4.?????????????????Be an encourager - who supports, empathizes and listens
5.?????????????????Be a leader - who inspires people to pursue a greater purpose
6.?????????????????Be the friend that you would like to have
7.?????????????????Focus on others, not yourself - pay attention -switch off your smartphone, avoid other distractions, and make an effort to truly listen to the other person.
8.?????????????????Give your friend space - when they need it
9.?????????????????Don’t set too many rules and expectations
10.????????????Apologize when you screw up.
11.????????????Model the way.?Even the most successful people expect their leaders to provide an example.
12.????????????Believe in them - their dreams and their success
13.????????????Empower them by giving them responsibility
14.????????????Lead from within - it should make you feel full of energy
15.????????????Build confidence in them - recognize and appreciate their good work
16.????????????Offer constructive and practical feedback
17.????????????Help them see and encash opportunities
18.????????????Make them feel good about themselves
19.????????????Support them when things go wrong
20.????????????Create meaningful moments where either of can - propose a new idea or ask for help or personal favors
21.????????????Use storytelling to spread awareness of meaningful moments of vulnerability and examples of how to manage them successfully.
For full article please read "100 ways to bring out best in you and others" in the blog section of Success Unlimited Mantra - link in the 1st comment
Chief Preceptor at International Academy for Social Excellenc
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#OvercomePersonalChallenges #EffectiveBusinessSolutions, #EffectivelyHandleCriticalLifeissues, #ResultsFocusedSolution, #OvercomeBusinessChallenges, #SimplePracticalDisruptiveSolutions, #MentoringCoachingCounseling
3 年https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog/100-ways-to-bring-out-best-in-you-and-others