Why you must be on Social Media in 2016
Social media has been around since the 1990’s with the first companies such as Myspace, Six Degrees and Friendster. These social media sites set the standard of what now is a social media dominated world. With social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Periscope and Blab it has now become easier than ever to get your message heard. For example, Facebook has so many people on its site that if it was a nation it would be considered the third largest country. That is pretty impressive and crazy if you think about it. Instagram has 300 million users, Twitter has 284 million users, Snapchat has 100 million users and Periscope has 11 million users. Do you see my point with this?!
Now do not freak out if you have not been using social media like you have wanted to that is ok. You have a fresh 365 days to get started and make your impact!
The reason why I am so excited about the future of social media is the ability to reach people in different countries. I have been able to network with people in UK, France, Australia, India and New Zealand. It is so exciting to have conversations with other people around the world about positivity and like minded ideals. In addition, is always important to connect internationally because so many people need to hear your story and your message.
Think about it. These social media sites allow you to reach out to the masses WORLDWIDE and have a bigger impact than ever before. You will not be able to do this with a local radio station, newspaper or a local event. If you want to reach people worldwide social media is a perfect place to go. You do not have to ask permission to start sharing your message, you do not have to pay someone to broadcast your message and you do not have to get your message verified by someone else. Everything on social media is your true genuine self and what you stand for. In this day and age people want to work with people who are their true genuine selves. Not a fake or phony, a true genuine people.
Social media helps with the trust accelerator to build better relationships. I am not saying lets get away from the face to face conversation because that is still and always will be the strongest type of communication. What I am saying is that people we may never meet on our normal day of routine can be found through social media.
The time to be STAGNANT on social media is ending and it is time for your message to be heard! Say your message loud and say it proud!
For more information on Morgan Ingram check out his website- www.morganjingram.com
Schüler an der Kantonsschule Wettingen (Schwerpunktfach Biologie & Chemie; Akzentfach Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften)
2 个月This is even more true in 2025. I'll try to become active on LinkedIn this year.