Why you (and most people) can’t sell.
Pete Scott
Trusted advisor and sales trainer to 500+ brands since 2010 | Proven sales method | Transform your sales results
Most can’t sell for one simple reason and it’s not the reason you might think.
They can’t sell because they make the sale more about themselves than the client.
‘Think about it’ for a moment.
We have one of two choices when sat with a client:
Most choose number 2.
The problem with number 2, is it’s FULLY loaded with inner dialogue:
How many of these sound familiar?
To sell anything with ease and confidence (and sales can be easier than eating your favourite dessert) you have to focus entirely on the client in front of you and forget yourself.?
Yet, most never gain this opportunity because they’re so loaded with unconscious beliefs, biases and limitations.?
Sure, we might be able to cover up these beliefs now and then, but we can’t hide the truth.
Our micro-facial expressions, pupil dilation, breathing from the top of our chest are all picked up by the client and this is why the client won’t feel calm in your presence.?
We’ve all been the client and felt something is off, even if we can’t put our finger on it, therefore we’ve decided “now isn’t the right time”, or more commonly “I need to think about it”.
Out of the thousands I’ve been lucky enough to train in sales over the years, I would say 95% or more let the sale become more about them than the person they’re meant to be helping and all of this happens unconsciously.?
The big question is, if we’re the one messing up the sale, how do we change this??
Good question, here’s a few steps of what to do:
You’re either trained or untrained and most are grossly untrained.?
Imagine trying to win a tennis match against a professional, but you’ve never trained in tennis. It doesn’t matter how hard you work, how positive your mindset is, you’ll be chased off the court in 30 seconds.
Even 60 minutes sales training per week can dramatically increase your skillset, help you to become calm and to recognise the unconscious beliefs and biases, not to mention the client psychology.?
It’s difficult to have a good intention when we’re all wrapped up in our own limitations.
This is why intention in sales is key (I’m creating an entire training on just this one nuance because it’s that important).?
So long as we need the sale more than the client needs the help, no sale will be made.
Focus your intention on the client.
Sales is a self analysis game, the more we review every consultation (meeting), the more we can transform our skills.?
Sure, there’s a few unicorns who seem to posses a natural sales superpower, but for the rest of us mere mortals, constant self analysis and growth is the game changer.
If you know me already, you’ll likely hear how I was the worst salesperson, until I started to record every single consultation and then listen back taking notes.
You don’t need to be as obsessed as me and if you do want to record consultations you need the client permission, but having a debrief after every consultation is a life changer.?
BONUS: Be a part of a community where you can have fun implementing all 3 steps above and master your own sales superpowers.?
This is exactly why I created Sales Skool and more specifically, the Sales Playground Community, where there’s consultation practise sessions, all the training in the world to help you + one epic community to support one another.?
If you’ve read this far, then you’re likely wanting to transform your sales within your business and also the right kind of person to be a part of what we’re building.?
So drop me a message to find out how you can have more fun and sell with total ease and confidence like never before.?
Over to you.