Why you may always be poor throughout your generation?
Precious Azuonwu
Founder and CEO at Bankable Wisdom | Western Union Foundation Fellow 2024| Young Leader, Queen CommonWealth Trust | Mentor, The Tony Elemulu Foundation
Why you may always be POOR throughout your generation #MyTrueStory
At age 4, I can remember vividly our famous family devotion lyrics, 'Abraham's blessings are mine'. I would go on to shout, 'I am blessed in the morning, noon, evening and night'.
You know what, I use to sing that song believing that the obvious poverty state of my family is going to change. We sang that song every day and i can remember the verbal virbrations of my dad as he sang that song. His head rotation was like dancing skelewu.
Pardon me please, there is nothing wrong with the song. Affirmation na affirmation. But singing that song made me understand why 99% of poor people are poor and would likely even pass poverty to their 10th generation.
While singing that song, I would assume 'I am going to be rich and get lots of goodies like my favorite video game would come to me'...
Truth be told that song offered me an entitlement mentality. And people with entitlement mentality do not truely get wealthy.
You know what, the more we sang that song is the more I heard money complains at home. I would hear words like, 'I don't have money' at least 7 times in a day. Those words kind of told me that my dreams were not valid. So here is what was wrong...
Abrahams blessings denotes blessings of abundance, prosperity and riches. I couldn't see this in my family then...
'Yes Abraham blessing's was ours... But what was our strategy to wealth...'
'How can the family break free from poverty if all the kids are advised to do is #GoToSchool, study hard and earn good grades, while the parents run a rat race in their jobs.'
To be wealthy was simply up to God. Pray hard and await a financial breakthrough!
Hope and assumptions was our strategy! The hope for a better life one day. We lived on mere assumptions. Assumptions is the mother of frustration. I remember asking one of my spiritual mentors at 11 'how can my family be rich'...
'God will do it', he said. An obvious assumptions mode response. These are Another word that offers people an entitlement mentality!
Truth be told, a lot of family would become totally broke because of #TheLawOfAssumptions. Assuming you are going to possess wealth or money without a working strategy would lead to frustration.
At age 19, I discovered a secret that made me financially independent a few years from then. I call it, 'the law of intentionality'. In this law you do not assume anything but you sure have a strategy for everything you want.
For example, a family with a monthly turn over of N300,000 can simply save up N500,000 in 1 year. Invest N500,000 for 10 years and have over 7 Million in ROI, that will be reasonable enough to start a business e.g Real Estate.
Even a family with gross monthly earning of N100,000 can save up, N500,000 in 2 years if they intentionally put out N21,000.00 as a monthly savings for 2 years. You see, they still have a chance to be financially free!
When it comes to money, hope, luck and proclaiming blessings is not a strategy! #TheLawOfIntentionIsAtWork
Yes, Abraham blessings are mine...and also the hands of the diligent makes rich.
You will never be financially free no matter the number of anointed hands laid on you if you do not intentionally make, save and invest money!
You will be broke for life due to the law of assumptions! You will only become financially free due to the law of intention.
This is my humble opinion. What do you think?