Why you are lacking confidence…
Dr Fern White
Principal Dentist @ Beacon Cove Dental, Melbourne Keynote Speaker, Coach and Mentor for Dental Women ????
You wanna know one of the biggest reasons we lack confidence?
Why one minute everything’s sweet and the next we’re spiralling down to Dumps Town?
It really is the thief of joy.
We compare ourselves to other people. And we do it ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME!
And suddenly, our lives lose their sparkle.
Suddenly, we’re not enough.
And particularly in this day and age when it’s SO EASY to jump on social media and look at everyone’s perfected reels.
The beautiful reflections of their lives, what they’ve achieved, their holidays, what they’re wearing, what their house looks like, how cute their kids are, how GRATEFUL they are to be alive…
Then you see the dream cases, perfect presentations and treatment plans plastered all over the professional forums. You know, all the things you WISH you were doing in your career right now.
And then it starts...
“How come I’m not there yet?”
“How come I’m not that good.”
“What am I even doing with my life?”
It’s soul destroying.
And it’s also more addictive than chocolate. I mean, why do you think trashy magazines even exist? That’s right, because we (suckers for punishment that we are!) love seeing other people’s lives and comparing them to our own.
We just can’t help it.
And it’s really hard to avoid falling down this trap. I know, because I do it too.
But when I catch myself comparing, I call myself out.??
“What are you doing Fern? You’re just setting yourself up to feel like sh*t! ARGH!”
And I don’t always catch it right away. Sometimes there’s the Ultimate Scroll of Doom (don’t even go there!). But 9/10 times, I chase this gremlin outta town.???
It’s a practice, and one I have to engage in regularly to stay in my own lane.
So, if you’re doing it right now...
If you’re scrolling through social media, looking at other people and thinking, “Why the hell am I not like that?”
Remember this:
It’s an illusion.
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is perfect.
That Instamom you love? Her kids probably throw tanties and refuse to eat broccoli just like yours.
The bendy yoga queen doing Down Dog on a mountain? She’s possibly living with low-grade anxiety EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
And why do you even care?
Because this is your one life.
You only have to compare yourself to YOURSELF.
Because you can only measure what’s right in front of you.
Track your progress. What were you at last year? Or even last month or last week? There’s no better marker for success.
So keep improving YOU!
That’s the only way you can grow. Not by looking around and comparing yourself to your entire Insta reel.
Because trust me, as hard as you try, you’ll NEVER measure up to the illusion.
Remember, YOU are your baseline. YOU are the real prize that you’ve been wanting to win.
Everyone else is just another distraction from the greatness that’s RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. And I’ll bet that’s what’s blocking you from doing what you’re really here to do.
Stay in your lane, stay on purpose and watch your confidence SOAR!
If you are a boss lady in health go to my private FREE Facebook group for all the info you need to stop stress and make more of your business and life! Click on the link here to join.
Principal Dentist @ Beacon Cove Dental, Melbourne Keynote Speaker, Coach and Mentor for Dental Women ????
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