Why you keep getting what you don’t want
Liam Naden - Let Yourself Off the Hook?
Natural Success Coach | Brain Science for Effortless Stress Elimination & Problem Solving
Do you ever feel like this?
I used to.
ALL the time.
And it drove me nuts. And I worked my tail off for years trying to fix my life problems.
But I never really got a handle on my life.
Until I had a major realisation:
It wasn’t that I wasn’t capable of solving my problems.
It was just that the way I was going about it was all wrong.
And when I fixed this….everything else got sorted.
What I figured out is what I want to share with you in the latest episode of the Let Yourself Off the Hook? podcast. It’s called:
Why You Get What You Don’t Want - and Don’t Get What you Do Want: The REAL Reason
Knowing what I discuss in this episode could have saved me years of frustration.
And I know it will help you too.
Enjoy. And I’d love to know what you think (leave a comment or review).
Your friend on the journey,