Why Are You Here? D, C, G, D, G, A

Why Are You Here? D, C, G, D, G, A

"One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away." 

— Stephen Hawking

Saturday morning, 7:41 a.m., MT, I’m sitting in Indianapolis, it’s a beautiful day. There are contractors to my east doing some painting for my neighbor.  My cat is flipping her tail in my face while my Queen’s cat is upstairs having a conversation with herself. My Queen is on a horse somewhere in Colorado with a women’s group.

I don’t like being alone; it’s been a while since I was truly alone, just me, no one by my side. I think my God, this is a temporary situation. But I have thought about what if something happened to my partner, what would I do? I don’t think life would be fun alone and my Queen is irreplaceable. She has told me she has no plans to live until she’s 114 years old which is fine since she is a few years older than I, but I’m going to need to her to make it to 108, then we can die together ala notebook style.

Death is a funny thing, it’s inevitable, I write about it often. We are here for a blink of an eye, and then we go on, somewhere, I don’t know where, but I believe we move on. As a child, I was told that animals had no soul so they could not move on. I was told that there was a heaven and that my friends and family would be there, but I would not recognize them, but it wouldn’t matter because I was in heaven.  These were the teachings of my childhood; I’m not so sure I buy into these teachings, I like the idea of my animals having souls, and I’d like to reconnect with my friends and family that have passed before me. I’ll hold out hope that these two things are right and my teachers were incorrect in their lesson plans.

There is a guitar to my left. I own about 15 guitars, some acoustic, some electric, one would think I play well, but I don’t, I strum, chords, I can’t sing, but my guitars provide me therapy. When I get done with my daily prose, I will pick it up and play a little D, C, G, after that I might do a little D, G, A, simple chords that if strummed in a manner, it sounds like something you might build a song around.

I’m sipping coffee, rich, dark, black, thick coffee. The kind of coffee that allows a spoon to stand up straight if stirring is necessary. It’s quiet here, no sounds, just me, typing, the music of progress, my today self-reminding the future self of my daily life.

I’ll travel north today. I’ll stop by and see and friend and give him my condolences for the passing of his father; I’m going to hang my parents, and chat with a small group of people. I’ll return home tonight to spend some time with some friends. That’s my day, what is yours. What will you do today to impact the lives of others? I am here for a reason; I am here to help others see a better way to live, a path to happiness and joy. I try and set an example of constant forward motion always striving to become a better human being.

You are an example for others, what you do and say show your true colors.  Be kind, help others, give until you cannot give anymore and be a light when there is darkness. There is a lot of darkness today; it’s more important than ever to shine your light of positivity to our world. Open the door for your partner, buy the person’s coffee beside you at the coffee shop, smile and say “hello” to strangers.

Each one of us can have a positive impact on our world; if everyone began being just a little more beautiful, just a little more kind to our fellow humans, the world would improve overnight. Stop being angry; there is no reason for anger. Anger exists only in your mind, choose instead to be thankful for your breath, your ability to move, and see our fantastic world.

So rejoice, for most of us, this is a day off, a day of rest and if you are by chance, working, give an extra 10%, outwork your fellow workers, be the best at what you do not just today, but every day. You are a gift to those around you. You provide hope and joy to others, never forget the impact you have on your community. It’s up to each one of us to give as much love as we can provide to the world, that’s why you are here. You are here to offer love. 

"One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away." 

— Stephen Hawking


