Why you gotta stop pushing!
Dr Fern White
Principal Dentist @ Beacon Cove Dental, Melbourne Keynote Speaker, Coach and Mentor for Dental Women ????
Have you ever had someone in your life who keeps calling you all the time? Who texts you? Repeatedly. Who just needs an answer NOW!??
It could be an employee, a friend or just someone you don’t know so well, but you’re helping out.?
They come from this frazzled place urgency. Of desperation. Of scarcity and fear.?
They need you. NOW!
They’re really worried that time is going to run out. ‘PUSH PUSH PUSH!’ I need to get this thing done. NOW!?
And they just KEEP. ON. PUSHING!?
It’s crazy making.?
And what happens?
We recoil. We pull back and we say to ourselves, ‘I don’t know if want that energy around me.’
And this isn’t a judgement. I get it, I’ve been THAT person. (Sorry!)?
I’ve been PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!?
I’ve operated from a place of fear and scarcity.
The feeling that there’s not enough left in this world and ‘if I don’t get that bargain now it’s gonna be gone. I need to buy three of them!’ Or ‘if I don’t book that in straight away it will be GONE!’?
And the whole marketing world runs on scarcity. There’s just not enough. And it gives us this sensation that we need to keep pushing, we need to ‘ACT NOW!!!’ before this ‘ONE TIME DEAL’ runs out. Quick, ‘LAST CHANCE!’
And I started to realise that this way of being really depleted my energy.?
It was killing me.?
Because I was constantly in fear.?
So here’s the thing:?
When I consciously started to allow, instead of push, EVERYTHING changed.
Of course, I was still doing all the work that I needed to do to make sh&! happen, but rather than pushing ahead in a frazzled, crazy haze of desperation, I said to myself, ‘OK Fern, you’ve done enough, now just sit back and see what happens!’?
“But Fern, that’s so hard!” I know, we’re all control freaks in some way or another. But you just gotta trust the process.
Say you’re down a staff member like I have been lately. You can just keep on pushing, keep searching… OR you can do the basics. Post on a few job boards, maybe send out a few emails and then allow the perfect candidate to find YOU.?
And here’s the beauty of what happens when you allow...?
When you pull back. When you come from a place of love. A place of abundance versus the scarcity and fear mindset.
THEN the magic starts to happen.?
The Universe starts to give you back what you need. Things fall back into place... if you sit back and you listen.
Rather than ‘PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!’
Because that’s what I’ve been experimenting with lately. And I’ve just been realising the magic of everything that’s happening around me because I stepped back (it’s incredible BTW!)?
I didn’t push so hard. I didn’t come from fear. Instead, I did what I needed to do and then stepped back and allowed the magic to happen!
So ask yourself this right now:?
‘Where do I need to create some space?’?
Because if you keep pushing you don’t create space for anyone to step into.
For the magic to unfold.?
For something you’ve been dreaming of to manifest.
Because there’s no room in your life for it to happen. You've just been consuming all that space by pushing forwards in ‘GO GO GO!’ mode.?
But if you do the background work, pull back and allow things to manifest, then you create space. Whether it be a relationship, a new job or a dream that you have been envisioning and your soul just YEARNS for.?
So, stand back, lean in and allow.
And I promise things are going to start to shift if you do that.
And you know what, life is GLORIOUS… if we choose to make it so. If we change our mindset and realise that outside of all the stress, worry and hustle, there is so much ABUNDANCE available to us.
And you know, you are allowed to dip your paws in the honey jar and enjoy it for yourself.?
Go on, you’ve earned it.
P.S. FOLLOW me on social media and enjoy my doses of INSPIRATION so you can become a more powerful you