The "WHY" you are Finding.....
The "WHY?" you were finding........

The "WHY" you are Finding.....

Many budding lawyers and law students approach me to express their feelings stating that:

I am not from an NLU my life is ruined...

I can see my friends are growing but I am stuck ....

I am not sure about what to do after graduation....

I am suffering from financial constraints, how to manage my expenses.....

I am suffering from anxiety, stress and depression....

I am unable to manage by co-curriculars and academics....

and I don't know "WHY"!!

Let me answer all the questions you have in your mind one by one:

I am Underconfident and Stuck - Let's overcome the FEAR!

Q. I was not able to get into a Top Law School or NLU, how will it impact my life? How can I stand out and secure a good job if I'm not from a top NLU or law school?

Imagine if a class had 100 students, 50 very intelligent and 50 average or below average - then which segment of the class should the School focus on?

Of course, the average one but what NLUs do? - They select the Intelligent segment and train them which is easy, the real toil and hard work is done by native law colleges and Students only !!

But, does it make any difference? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

No NLU would have spoon-fed you and aided you in placement - I have seen a lot of NLU Grads struggling for placements!

So, why do NLUs hold so much prominence and what makes NLU Students different from others? Why are they getting preference over Non-NLU Students?

See, firstly this statement is a "FALSE NARRATIVE" created by LAZY PEOPLE who wish to accuse "alleged discrimination by NLUs" as the reason for their failure.

The reality is that if you have just two skills you can be the BEST:

(1) First, if you know something, you should do it in the best possible way with dedication and discipline - this is called "Professionalism" - Professionalism shows a "PURPOSEFUL APPROACH"

(2) Second, if you DON'T know something, you learn it, you practice it, and get the work done with discipline - this is called "Aptitude" - Aptitude shows "DEDICATION"

If you cannot develop the abovementioned skills, no NLU can make you successful! [And, if you don't agree with this, TIME will prove my thesis.]

It's high time people understand it's not the college or friends or coaching that will lead to success, it's your PROFESSIONALISM and your APTITUDE that will make you successful ??

  1. Learn basics / fundamentals
  2. Learn Research, Writing, Drafting, Oration, Argumentation
  3. Practice Practice Practice
  4. Build Network - pretty easy in the Online World
  5. Learn Business / Professional Ethics and Tactics
  6. Build a Personal Brand - Be a Brand
  7. Create Employment Opportunities
  8. Collab with NLU and Non-NLU Grads
  9. Work Harder, Smarter, and Steadier

Your efforts will make you an expert in your choice of work ??

Q. I can see my friends are progressing but I am stuck, I don’t know why I am stuck and what should I do? How do I deal with the constant comparison and competition among my peers?

Ok, if you are thinking that your "friends are growing and you are stuck" answer this question:

"Can you comb your hair, looking at other person's face?"

Of course not!

This means that you cannot improve if you look at others! Start introspecting, write down what mistakes were done by you which, according to you, make you weak. After writing it, write point-wise STEPs you can take to eliminate the weaknesses or to turn your weakness into an opportunity. Do not count weaknesses that are not in your control like disability, medical illness, and other uncontrollable factors.

Ok, now answer another question:

"Assume that your friend scored 80 out of 100 but you scored 85 out of 100, were your friend's marks deducted just because you performed well?"

Of course not!

This means that your efforts impact you and your friend's efforts impact him / her, not you or your performance. This also means that your ONLY competitor is YOU yourself. You need to develop the habit of self-criticism [in thoughts] and self-improvement [in action]. Don't worry, this habit is developed with practice and time - just follow this one principle if you wish to grow: "If I do this thing will it affect me or will cause harm to me or any other person?" OR "If I listen/read/watch/think about this thing, will it affect me or will cause harm to me or any other person?" - you will observe that your inner GOD will be unlocked, and your SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND will start acting like your INNER GUIDE.

Q. I'm unsure about my career path after law school. How can I explore different options and make the right choice for me? OR I'm interested in pursuing a specific area of law, but I'm not sure if it's the right choice for me. How can I make an informed decision?

Before understanding what career path is best for you after law school let's understand "WHY" and "HOW" is it decided that a "Career" is "Successful" or is a "Good Choice":

The Two Pre-requisites for a Successful Career

For a person to be successful in a career there are two pre-requisites: "desire" and "motive". Where either of the two is missing, the person lives a struggling life devoid of leisure, luck and liberty. Where on one hand "desire" refers to one's will to devote his or her entire life to a particular career, "motive" on the other hand refers to the reason or incentive for which a person opts that career. "Motive" is the incentive which gives meaning to one's desire to work.

How to measure one's desire to work?

Although there is no measure to map one's desire to do a specific task but one's approach towards the same can be helpful in determining one's interest in it. For example, your academic score in a particular subject does not reflect your interest in the same, it merely denotes your "discipline" towards the same but the amount of time you can devote to it, irrespective of your caliber, showcases your interest in the subject.

If you scored 95% marks in Mathematics, its your discipline but if you devote significant quantum of your study time to it irrespective of the fact that you are tired, it means that you have an innate desire to study and contribute to the subject. Putting it in a more simpler way if you have natural proclivity towards certain career owing to your interest to work in that field, then its the right career for you!

But its important to note that;

1) the desire to work is "innate" and is not "influenced" by other people's desires and expectations from the person. For example, if you chose a career just because your parents wanted you to chose it or if you chose it owing to peer pressure then it is going to get you into unwarranted hustle and struggle if you chose it against your free will;

2) the desire is to work for "long term". Desire to work for short term is like rowing a ferry to the middle of the lake and then throwing the oars in the water. Short term desire develops a habit of "fickle mindedness" and the person tends to shift again and again to distinct careers without specializing in any one of them; and

3) the desire must not be "forced" on oneself. I have chosen the right career, isn't it the feeling you get reading the aforesaid quint-essentials? Its human tendency to treat oneself right even if subconsciously the person is aware that it isn't the career he or she desired to practice. It is thus necessary that one should not impose one's desire on oneself.

If you have an innate desire to pursue a career - go for it!

If you have chosen law without an innate desire you can still convert it into an opportunity to follow your passion as well, just like stated below:

For example:

  1. If you have chosen law but your INTEREST WAS MUSIC - no worries, learn Music and also Music Law, Copyright Law of India - connect with Copyright Societies under Section 33 of the Copyright Act which are registered licensors of Music and provide them your services + you will also get an opportunity to connect with Music Producers, Directors etc. I know several professionals who are working as Musicians and Music Law Professionals.
  2. If you have chosen law but your INTEREST WAS MODELLING / ACTING- no worries, learn Modelling and also Entertainment Law, Cinematography Act etc, of India - connect with Entertainment Industry professionals or intern at an Entertainment Law specialized firm and prove them your worth + you will also get an opportunity to connect with Movie Producers, Directors etc. One of my connections is working as a Model and she recently worked in a supporting role in the recently released (and widely appreciated) "12th Fail" and she is practicing in the field of Media and Entertainment Law at Bombay High Court.
  3. Law is involved in every industry even engineers can become Patent Agents under Patents Act, 1970 and can earn significant revenue from legit means and from a choice of work that gives them utmost satisfaction; even science with biology students can become medical negligence and consumer law specialist and can aid Hospitals in representing their interests in Consumer Courts, Criminal Courts and Civil Courts.

So, don't treat any of your CHOICES as BAD, because:

There is always an opportunity in disguise, even in the worst problems you encounter, so instead of weeping start thinking!

What about "Luck"? Doesn't it play an important role in one's career?

One of the most successful Indian Lawyers, Advocate Nani Palkhivala once remarked that,

" Luck is an intersection of hard work and opportunity."

I totally agree with this definition of luck. With this definition it can be inferred that good luck is when a person utilizes the right opportunity at right time and strives to achieve his goals and bad luck is when a person voluntarily or involuntarily let go the opportunity even when he or she was capable of utilizing the same. It is true we cannot underestimate luck as the factor which contributes to one's success but for a person to utilize an opportunity and to work harder "self-discipline" is an essential factor.

For an example, if you are a law student then for you a moot court competition could be a right opportunity to foster your advocacy skills but without the right knowledge as to how to prepare for the same; without positive atmosphere around you and without the greed for knowledge and career growth one can not achieve the desired goals.

Sometimes luck does matter, no matter how greedy you are, in a situation when the atmosphere around you is negative. For example, during a family dispute going on in a family it becomes difficult for a person to maintain the calm and strive hard for his or her career. Positive environment does contributes to a successful career. However, due to dynamic nature of human a positive environment can not be assured for long term but one must be aware of the methods to deal with it. Methods of dealing with negative environment vary from person to person. (Some are discussed further in this article.)

Well, my approach towards the word "luck" is a bit different. In my opinion "Luck" stands for "Let yourself chase knowledge" because the more knowledge you have about the right opportunities for your career and how to utilize them, the more consistent the slope of your success becomes. Thus, no matter how greedy you are for money, power or other materialistic leisure but one must be always greedy for knowledge.

I want to Grow but I don't know how - Let's tell you some HACKS!

?Q. What skills should I focus on developing to succeed as a lawyer in the long run? How can I gain practical experience and exposure to the legal industry while still in law school?

You should start working on:

  1. Legal Research (Case Finding, Reading Judgments, Reading Bare Acts, Finding Circulars / Notifications etc. for Legal Compliances)
  2. Legal Drafting (Applications, Petitions, RTI, Plaints, etc.)
  3. Legal Writing (Case Analysis Writing, Case Brief writing)
  4. Oration and Argumentation (Framing good arguments and court mannerisms)
  5. Client Counselling (The art of explaining law to client and convincing them to accept terms of your service including professional fees)
  6. Negotiation and Mediation (The art of analyzing the needs, interests, and concerns of both parties to arrive at the best alternative to resolve an ongoing legal dispute).

You can get the maximum exposure by doing the following:

  1. Doing as many internships as possible (but each internship should be of minimum 2 months - if you are in 4/5th Year then minimum 4-5 months)
  2. Participating in Research Paper, Article, Case Analysis Writing Competitions / Legal Drafting Competitions
  3. Participating in Debates, MUNs, Youth Parliaments, Moot Courts, Trial Advocacy, etc. and other Oration Competitions
  4. Participating in Organizing College Events to learn Leadership and Management Skills - including Team Work, Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, and Controlling

Q. How can I build a strong professional network and find mentors in the legal field?

  1. Create a Professional Social Profile on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube
  2. Start learning one skill daily and share the same in written or audio or video form content on the above stated platforms - in whichever form you are comfortable
  3. Start sending personalized and customized connection requests on LinkedIn to Partners of Tier 1, 2, 3 firms of varied domains, to secure internships and build professional relationship with them
  4. For growing your client base, start posting content regularly on the social media platforms and also create a Landing Page stating all of your services and all your qualifications [which make you perfect for that service which you are offering like contract drafting, legal drafting, corporate filings, etc.]
  5. Also, add a "lead magnet" [a free resource like newsletter or booklet or video or other material to collect leads data including email and number] and then start Email and WhatsApp Marketing by using tools like MailChimp and WhatsApp Channels / Groups for FREE.

Q. How can I develop my public speaking and argumentation skills to excel in moot court competitions and future legal practice?

  1. For speaking well you need to learn how to write well
  2. For writing well you need to learn how to think and write with clarity
  3. For thinking with clarity you need to understand that you become perfect in something only when you consume a lot of content related to it
  4. If you wish to do a lot of public speaking or argumentation then watch a lot of videos observing public speakers or advocates [now available online on Supreme Court's / High Court's channels].
  5. Learn how to think in Pointers [like firstly, secondly, thirdly...] - learn to organize your thoughts - then write the thoughts on paper - then practice speaking it in mind [not by mouth because you are training your brain not tongue].
  6. Repeat the process for 7 days, and constantly listen, read, write, think in a particular language that you wish to communicate from like "English" / "Hindi" or any other language etc.
  7. After 7 days you will realize you can speak without putting stress on your brain or translating in a language - since your brain is now processing data directly in that language.

[Note: Remember that when you were a child, you learnt speaking not by "speaking" but by listening and observation.]

Q. I feel overwhelmed by the pressure to excel in both academics and extracurricular activities like Moot Court Competitions, Trial Advocacy Competitions etc. How can I manage my time effectively?

?Managing Co-curricular Activities alongside Academics:

  1. Firstly, develop an understanding why these co-curriculars are important - just to fill your CV? - BIG NO!; these are important so that you can develop a mindset called "Thinking Like a Lawyer"
  2. What do I mean by "Thinking Like a Lawyer"?: To think like a Lawyer start do the following: (1) Divide bigger problems into smaller issues and solve each small issue one by one; (2) Unless its proven, its false; (3) Resolution / Settlement based approach; (4) Use Tech, Tools, and Templates for being Efficient; and (5) Research -> Think -> Act.
  3. Secondly, learning what's unknown: these competitions take a lot of time in preparation because you are unaware of the exact strategy to approach each of these co-curriculars

Q. How to manage Academics and Internships together?

  1. Follow the time management techniques like U-I Square and Pomodoro Technique as described above.
  2. Use AI and Non-AI tools for research, drafting, and analysis work to save time during the internship and to complete your academic assignments as well.
  3. Make a dairy for every internship and make daily learning notes for your observation and progress - a tip - share the notes every day on social media to ensure "Public Accountability".
  4. Read, analyse, and make brief notes, and do research related to all cases which are listed on "day after tomorrow" to aid your senior during internship.
  5. For example, if on "day after tomorrow" a case related to Family Law is listed - make a case brief, and see the status of case on E-Courts, read previous orders and case file, do find case laws using E-SCR, provisions using India-Code and law propositions which can aid your senior in the case.
  6. Even if mere adjournment is needed, draft an adjournment application prior hand - visit the court before the day of hearing (jurisdiction can be checked using E-Courts only) only so that in case your senior asks you to file the application you do not waste your time in finding the right courtroom - your seniors will be really impressed by your work and your confidence will bolster!!

Q. How to ensure that I work at my best potential and become the best version of myself?

Understand these 5 Laws of Success ??

Lately, after reading a lot of Literature from Indian Ancient Philosophical Sanskrit Texts, I have realised that there are some certain laws of success. I am listing some of them:

1?? "Stop Competing, Start Improving": The biggest competition of yours shall be yourself. The one who envies others always loses focus and gets disappointed. But, the one who criticises oneself and starts improving one's skills attains success.

2?? "Stop Complaining, Start Completing": The one who complains lack of resources, time or luck fails badly. But, the one who creates opportunities with creativity, improves one's skills, and completes tasks with discipline attains success.

[????????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ??????? : One's birth is in God's Hand but one's valour is earned by oneself - Mahabharat]

3?? "Sacrifice Selfishness, Feed Service and Compassion":

The one who is selfish is likely to have ego and arrogance. Both of these emotions warrant grim, stress and anxiety who are enemies of success. But, the one who constantly focuses on solving problems of others always finds an opportunity to gain monetary and other benefits like repo from the solutions.

[???????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ? ????????: ??????????????? ????????????????????? - Only those abuse the God and his teachings who are blinded by egotism, strength, arrogance, desire, and anger, the demonic - Bhagwat Geeta C. 16 V. 18]

4?? "Speak less, listen more, do more"

The one who focuses on speaking more, teaching more, or telling more often loses to learn more. But, the one who listens more, adapts the goodness, implements the knowledge attains success.

5?? "Stop Building Wealth, Build Character"

Wealth will not give you satisfaction, it might give you happiness. But, your character will give you the satisfaction you aspire. Consume content which teaches you ethics and morals. Be compassionate towards others and prioritise their concerns.???? I am proud that our country discovered these laws way before Western philosophy came into existence.

I would also like to reiterate here that: [??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????? | ???????????? ?? ?????? ?????????? - One is a friend, another isn't - say the small minded, Magnanimous consider whole world a family! - Mahapuran VI. 71]

I am Stressed, I am Anxious, I am Struggling - Let's overcome the CHALLENGES!

Q. I'm struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance. How can I take care of my mental health while pursuing my legal education? How can I stay motivated and focused on my goals when faced with setbacks or failures?

I always reiterate that "You become what you feed your brain!", so:

  1. Listen to Soft Music, watch comedy / horror / fantasy movies, these help psychologically relax your mind.
  2. I listen to soft music while working and it helps me a lot in doing the work without stress while enjoying the music, also soft music (with less lyrics) increases the ability of brain to analyse and observe things better.
  3. Watch Legal Dramas like "Criminal Justice" on Disney+ Hotstar, Suits, Daredevil etc. these are some dramas which incite interest in law and motivate you to work harder.
  4. Also, watch divine series / dramas like "Ramayan" / "Mahabharat" / "RadhaKrishn" [available on Disney+ Hotstar, SonyLiv etc.] etc. to bring out your philosophical side as well - this will help you become more humble, polite, peace-friendly, and a noble - reputed - celebrated personality. People will start paying focus to what you say and what you advise!!
  5. Please STOP comparing yourself with others, understand that your only competitor is YOU yourself; STOP worrying about the future its not in your hands, focus on learning and doing your best; DON'T STOP yourself from enjoying life a bit - go for outings, meet friends, do some PRANKS with your friends / professors, enjoy these moments - you never know what happens next! - If you understand this one point, you will become fearless and confident!
  6. In toto, if you bring your inner "child" to life, your inner "lawyer" will also get some relief from stress, anxiety etc.

Q. I'm facing financial constraints. How can I manage my expenses and find affordable resources to support my legal education?

  1. Connect with LLM students through LinkedIn and using your Legal Research skills help them create dissertations and thesis, most of them are practicing lawyers or judiciary aspirants - you can charge 4000-5000 easily for one research document. You can easily learn this skill from YouTube.
  2. Connect with Legal Professionals through LinkedIn and create Legal Drafts for them like Petitioner, Applications, Contracts, Partnership Deeds etc. They have a lot of work so they will delegate the work to you, but you should share some samples of your work to show that you are worth it. [In my next article I will share FREE Legal Drafts and Methods to do Efficient Legal Drafting] So, follow me and subscribe to this newsletter for FREE Drafts].
  3. Connect with HR Professionals / CEOs / COOs / CFOs through LinkedIn and provide them Legal Drafting, Legal Compliance, Legal Corporate Filing Services [like filling Trade Mark applications on ipindia website] - a skill which you can easily learn through YouTube.
  4. File consumer cases for others easily on Consumer Commission portals [according to recent precedents even if the applicant is not present in the court the court can decide the case on merit and arguments filed in the court] charging a nominal fee of 2000-4000 (depending on pecuniary jurisdiction of case - valuation of the suit), file cyber complaints for others taking a nominal fee of around 500-1000, file E-FIRs, file Civil Plaints and Written Statements online for FREE using E-Courts website - using consent of a registered Advocate (by using their R-number i.e. R/XXXX/20XX).
  5. Provide consultations to clients on varied subjects of law - create a profile / create a simple Google Form / a simple LinkTree landing page and start 1-to-1 consultation calls for a nominal consultation fee of Rs. 500 per hour. Do legal research well and provide a detailed advisory document to client after call - they will be really impressed. You may use E-SCR, IndiaCode, HC / SC websites, Perplexity, ChatGPT 4 (web based) to find relevant materials and analyse materials to quickly frame an advise to be provided on call and in the advisory document post consultation. They might also connect with you in future again for other legal contracts and domain specific works.
  6. Make GIG profiles on Fiverr, Upwork, and other remote profiling platforms - provide SEO Optimized Content, Articles, Blogs, Research, PPTs, etc. and other assignments to clients from US, UK etc.

I want Success - Let's make you SUCCESSFUL!

Q. How can I stay updated with the latest developments in the legal field and enhance my knowledge beyond the curriculum?

  1. Download, LiveLaw, Bar&Bench, InShorts Apps
  2. Also, download monthly legal news compendiums on Drishti Judiciary website
  3. Also, follow the WhatsApp Channels of numerous news channels to keep receiving live news updates.

Q. What steps can I take to prepare myself for a successful career in litigation, corporate law, or other legal domains?

  1. Learn basics / fundamentals
  2. Learn Research, Writing, Drafting, Oration, Argumentation
  3. Practice Practice Practice
  4. Build Network - pretty easy in the Online World
  5. Learn Business / Professional Ethics and Tactics
  6. Build a Personal Brand - Be a Brand
  7. Create Employment Opportunities for yourself as well as for others
  8. Collab with NLU and Non-NLU Grads
  9. Work Harder, Smarter, and Steadier

Your efforts will make you an expert in your choice of work ??

Q. How would I know that I am Successful?

?? Success shall be perceived on the basis of happiness one achieves, not on the basis of monetary or luxury possessions that one possesses

? If you have 10000 crores but no friend to share your thoughts with, then it makes no sense!

? If you have 0 money but a family who loves you even at the toughest times - you are one of the most successful person on the Earth!

Money can be a means to happiness but it cannot be termed as a factor to determine success. Money can serve only 2 purposes, it can bolster your greed which is of course an evil and it can separate you from your loved ones which is a nightmare!

The only thing money should be saved for is - medical emergencies, insurances, public welfare! If you save and invest money to pamper your progeny, or meet your selfish motives - it will not yield good results! But, if you save and invest money to meet future contingencies, you are smart! And, if you use atleast some part of money for public welfare as well, you are benevolent ???

I hope this information was valuable if it was worth it, please:

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Corey Mitchell

Actively Looking to Acquire Businesses ?? Cannabis Marketing ?? Property Management Lead Generation Wizard ?? Investor ?? Business Buyer ?? Business Mentor

11 个月

Excited to read your insights on navigating the challenges of being a law student! ?? Manik Tindwani

Manik Tindwani

Co-Founder, LawFoyer & LIJDLR | Solving Most Complex Problems of Law Students & Legal Professionals | Educator | AI Powered Litigation & Academics Trainer | Lawyer | Legislation and Policy Drafting Enthusiast

11 个月

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