Why You Feel The Way You Feel About The Election
Why You Feel The Way You Feel About The Election
There are millions of people all over America upset, up in arms, agitated, distressed, angry, sad, worried or (insert other emotion here) over this election.
And almost every single one of them think that different people are at fault - the President, the former Vice President, the Republicans, the Democrats, Russia, the Main Stream Media, the Religious Right, the Illuminati or (insert other potential villains here).
But it's not their fault...whoever your villain is...for whatever you feel. It's not the circumstances' fault. Instead what is at fault is your thinking about the circumstances/the election.
Because some people today are sleeping like babies, cool as cucumbers, as relaxed as can be or (insert whatever chill analogy you can think of). Why? Because they have chosen different thoughts about the election.
If you choose to think "someone's cheated", or "people who vote that way are stupid", or (insert whatever terrible thought you want to have about your fellow humans), you will be miserable.
If you choose to think "God is in control" or "We are all Americans and we live in the greatest country in the world" or "I/we are resilient and we can handle anything that life throws at me/us", then you will have peace.
The choice is yours.