Why You Don't Have To Be 'An Expert' To Share Your Insights (and Why You're Missing an Opportunity If You Don't)

Why You Don't Have To Be 'An Expert' To Share Your Insights (and Why You're Missing an Opportunity If You Don't)

In today's world, expertise is an ever-evolving concept. This may seem strange, but without a pinnable definition, how do you decide who is a reputable source for this alleged expertise? Many young (and old) professionals hesitate to put themselves out there for fear that they must be fully clued up in every aspect of a topic. But this could mean many missed opportunities, and here's why.

Historically, expertise was decided through a linear set of terms. You could be an expert with formal credentials; the higher your level of education- the better! If you'd been in the same job role for 25 years, you'd be considered expert level. But when you break it down, who is deciding this?

As the modern working world progresses, levels of expertise are being seen as an evolving concept. The definition is not linear, and if we only listen to a specific, cookie-cutter type of 'expert,' we would be doing ourselves a disservice in terms of perspectives.

In today's interconnected world, offering your opinion and insights has inherent value, whether in terms of building your personal brand or understanding the value of diverse perspectives.

Varied experiences offer rich discussions and stop the same people regurgitating the same information around in a circle. If you waited until you became an on-paper 'expert' to share your insights, you'd be missing out on a wealth of opportunities! Sharing insights lets you establish your professional presence and get your name out there.

Overcoming self-doubt is the first step to sharing your insights and shrugging off the dreaded 'imposter syndrome'. The next step is identifying what exactly is holding you back. Whether it's honing your skills on-camera, needing to focus more time on mapping out your content or even creating a simple personal brand strategy, you should tackle these things first to ensure you successfully get your voice out there.

Remember, your thoughts are important, and people do care about what you have to say. Tapping into your strengths and using platforms like LinkedIn to promote your insights can be a great start. Talking with smaller groups can help you find your place in the professional landscape and hone your public speaking skills. Your voice matters, so don't be afraid to share it.

The takeaway here is that you don't have to be an expert. In fact, many people who give talks and presentations on topics aren't experts themselves! Knowledge is ever-evolving, and we're willing to bet you have a lot of valuable thoughts to share—so get going!

Written by Tate Rogers

Marketing Coordinator at Leverage Media



