Why you don't always need a degree for success

Why you don't always need a degree for success

A post-secondary degree is one way to find success in the working world, at one point this was one of the main ways that a person could get a prestigious job. However, in recent years, this narrative is changing. While you might hear your parents, peers, or mentors tell you that you won’t get anywhere without a degree, this is not always the case. For some careers, like medicine, law, or architecture, for example, you need a degree. There is no other way to make your way in a career like that, without a post-secondary education. But as more and more forms of education and work arise, there is more opportunity to find success without a university degree. Let’s take a look at some ways in which you may be successful without a degree, and how a degree may not even be the right choice for you.?

  1. Entrepreneurship is greater now more than ever. Rates of entrepreneurism have tripled since the year 2000, and have risen 80% since 2014 alone. With the rise of social media, private courses, and a plethora of online knowledge, people are able to start their own successful businesses fuelled by their passions.?
  2. There is a rise in experience over formal education. More and more job openings prefer to see a portfolio of what you can do, or proven experience, versus a credential. While having both is great, if you can only have one, being able to prove your skills and knowledge may be more valuable than a degree, which doesn’t always prove that you can do the job. Many people who don’t have a degree but need experience for a job opening will find their own experience. They will work for friends and family, do freelance? or volunteer work, or spare projects in their free time in order to build up a portfolio of work that can speak for them.?
  3. Student debt is a tremendous issue in Canada. The average student debt hovers at around 26k. Many people just don’t have the funds available to them to attend post-secondary and don’t want to have to deal with large amounts of debt and interest after they finally graduate. Some even end up finding a job that they didn’t need their degree for and then have unnecessary debt lingering. Further, the toll of a university degree and the financial burden it can cause can be a huge factor in mental health issues. A 2016 study estimated that around 40% of post secondary schools students were suffering with some form of a diagnosed mental illness, with this number continuing to rise each year (Berger, 2018).?
  4. The trades are growing. Jobs in the trades are hard work, but they’re in demand. A job in the trades sometimes only needs a year-long college program or a basic apprenticeship, but they’re guaranteed to make much higher than the basic living income right off the bat. New jobs in the trades are surfacing every year.?
  5. A college degree does not guarantee a high-paying job. Many (but not all) college graduates end up in entry-level positions only making a few dollars more than minimum wage. Unless you are studying a field that is guaranteed to make you an above-average income, like medicine or law, your degree does not offer guarantees.?

There are a plethora of careers you can work towards without needing a post-secondary education. Don’t doubt your abilities. There are always other options and ways to create a fulfilling life. If university is the path for you, ensure that you have a way to fund your degree, adequate mental health support, and a tentative plan. If you’re unsure about which path you’d like to take you can always speak to a Certified Life Coach about how to find your passion and work towards it. At Elumind we offer life coaching, you can book a free consult at 604-220-8866.?



