Why are you doing, what you're doing?
Robert Hooper B.E.P.
Business Development Director at Johnson Controls +16,000 Professional Connections
Sometimes we are just going through the motions of life, business, relationships. We are on auto-pilot! Truth be told, most of us go into auto pilot and this can be good and productive or meaningless. The challenge is to think and then act deliberately and with purpose. What are your most important priorities in all areas of your life? What roles do you have? Your most important relationships? If you don't set priorities, life stuff will set them for you! "Squirrel"! The challenge for each of us is to in Steven R. Covey's words, "Keep First Things First." Remember, be efficient with things and effective with people. This not only helps us be more productive in each of our roles, but brings clarity and order from chaos. Have an amazing week!
#firstthingsfirst #maketodaycount #bepositive #maketheworldbetter #yougotthis