Why Are You In Control?
Jonathan ?? Pritchard
Does your company exhibit at 2+ trade shows a year? What if there's a way to get 2-5x more business from your booth? Would that be worth a conversation?
“The person asking the questions is in control.”
You’ll see this quote all the time in the sales world, but I still haven’t heard a solid explanation for why.
The Sales Guru Of The Week just repeats it because the Sales Guru Of Last Week that he stole it from heard it somewhere else too, and they’re all just ripping off yet another Sales Guru Of Last Year.
Until now.
I have an answer that comes from the world of Mentalism, and unless you’re a world class Mentalist I guarantee that you’ve never seen anything that comes close to touching it.
I lay it out point by point in my upcoming book “The Mind Reader’s Guide To Better Selling” along with a lot of other powerful insights that help my team of sales people at the marketing agency continually exceed their numbers.
If you’re curious about what that insight is, you can get access to it right now by becoming a founding reader. The book is still in progress, but as a founding reader you get access to the living document as it continues to take shape.
I’ve already written the full explanation to the “questions as control” thing, and there’s a lot more to come.
Also, you’ll have the chance to ask me questions about sales and get real time answers whether it’s already in the book or not. Plus, you’ll get your name in the book, too!
So, if you’re anywhere near the world of sales and you want early access to the step-by-step system that I use to train sales people at the country’s #1 digital marketing agency, then you should join up now.
Can’t wait to see you in there!
Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “Do you feel in control” Pritchard
?? Jonathan Pritchard is the founder of several consulting agencies focused on helping clients & companies win more business with more persuasive branding, marketing, sales, and delivery.
He offers training through soft skills workshops, books, and through his online training platform, The Academy of Applied Mentalism.