Why are you complaining?
Central Health Management
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The next time you are out to lunch in a public restaurant near any businesses, listen in briefly to the conversations around you and you will find many of them are of individuals complaining about their work, their boss, their coworkers, their former colleagues, their home life, etc…??It is very common to hear people complaining about something because it is easy to complain and expressing dissatisfaction conditions our minds to complain more.??Think about the last time you complained about something, what was your frame of mind???Would you characterize it as positive???Likely not.??Complaining is a negative thought process which draws energy away from yourself and others, since you are normally complaining to someone else.??What if the next time you felt like complaining you just didn’t???What if you stopped???Perhaps, even find something to be grateful for???Gratitude has the opposite effect on your outlook and though process rather than complaining.??Being grateful causes you to realize everything is not bad.??It actually has a physiological effect on your brain and you will feel better.??
Our minds are one of the most complex components of a complex and unique system from all other forms of life on the planet.??The number of functions and thoughts your mind has throughout a single day is staggering and it never shuts down from the moment you are born to the moment you pass on.??There is real power and possibilities inside each of our heads.??The power to operate complex machines, learn new languages and skills, new relationships, to help others.???On the other hand, there is also the power to be destructive, to hurt, to manipulate, etc…The real power begins with you and your thoughts.??Will you focus on positivity or negativity???Will you be grateful or complain???Will you look to help or hurt???
Your words come from your thoughts and whether you have contemplated your thoughts before speaking or interacting with someone or not can make a big difference in how you are perceived by others and how others will interact with you.???A quote I believe is important to understand is:
“Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry.” Joyce Meyer
Will your words be inspiring??Helpful? Mentoring? Or will they hurt and degrade others????It is important to remember it is not always what you say but how you say it.??Your tone, your body language and posture can convey a message very differently from how you may have intended.???How others interpret your words, your message, your body language, is the input of information their minds will use to guide their thoughts.??How will they receive your message or respond to you if you are complaining about something or someone else???Will it be a positive message resulting in positive results???Likely not.??Complaining tends to lead to more complaining and a downward spiral about how you view yourself, your environment, others, and doesn’t normally end in a positive outcome for anyone.??
The next time you feel like complaining, ask yourself, why am I not grateful for what I have and who I have in my life???Put a stop to complaining and you will find yourself in a more positive frame of mind.