Why you can’t miss our Breakthrough Summit in NYC

Why you can’t miss our Breakthrough Summit in NYC

Dear STAT reader,

During the two decades I’ve covered the science and business of drug development, I’ve heard one complaint consistently from researchers and marketers alike — the process of making medicines is too easily divorced from the patients who need them.

That’s why I think the agenda we’re offering at the STAT Breakthrough Summit East on March 21 in New York City is unique and innovative.?

We believe understanding where patient voices fit into the process will make you better at your job. You’ll come away with a fresh perspective on both the science and business of making medicines.

While we always feature patients at our summits, this one will be something special. We’ll hear from a mother who fought for a so-called “n-of-1” study – done when a larger clinical trial is impossible – and from a researcher who thinks such studies represent the future of gene-editing treatments. And a chorus of influential patient advocates will discuss what role patient voices should have at the FDA.

That’s not to say we won’t have our usual collection of big industry names, from George Yancopoulos, whose research leadership has pushed Regeneron’s market cap past $100 billion, to CRISPR pioneer Feng Zhang, who has become quite the entrepreneur, to addiction researcher Nora Volkow and Pfizer R&D head Mikael Dolsten. We’ll have two sessions on GLP-1s and convene several of the industry’s top investors.

All of these sessions will be moderated by STAT’s award-winning journalists, who will ask critical questions. And we’ll welcome questions from our in-person audience, an invite-only group of top professionals like yourself.?

Apply today. I’d really like to see you in NYC.


Matthew Herper

Editorial Director, Events



