This is why you are BUSY, but You have NOTHING to show for.

This is why you are BUSY, but You have NOTHING to show for.

Here is what I learned today

Busy does NOT equal Results.

yep. What a trap this is.

Busy vs Productive

Not the same right?

Don’t you ever feel like you are being so busy at times and then you look at the actual results in your life and you see also no progress at all??!!

This sucks. This fucking sucks. Why is this happening?

I will tell you why:


2 - You are focusing on the RIGHT TASKS.

3 - You are not making things SIMPLE ENOUGH.

Let’s break these down:


Do you have a schedule or a notebook or something you put your tasks in so you can keep track on what’s getting done or not? You don’t? YOU SHOULD.

Here is what I do so i can organize and keep track on what’s getting done: I write down my weekly project and my daily 4 most important tasks for the week every monday.

So when Sunday comes i look back and see what was actually 100% COMPLETED.

or not.

And listen to me:

I said 100% completed. Not 99%.


2 - You don’t focus on the RIGHT TASKS.

Here we go, this is another one that everyone struggles with.

We all like the feeling of being “busy” it gives us the fake notion that we are doing something with our lives. But we need to be careful and ask ourselves: What was actually accomplished ???


YES. We need to MEASURE. We need to track what actually matters.

for example: If I decide to reignite the fire in my marriage, how do I know that what I am doing is actually working?



- how many dates are we going on?

- How many times do We have sex?

Do You see this??!!

And there are tasks that MOVE those indicators.

If I stay with the same example these talks would be:

- schedule date with the wife for this week. Or

- send romantic message to my wife today.

Do you see this??!!

3 - You are not making it SIMPLE ENOUGH.

Stop complicating shit.

This is what i tell myself: Stop complicating everything, Keep it simple stupid.

I must realize something:

What get me the marriage I want or the business I want or the life I want is the simple daily tasks that need to get done.

Let me explain.

If I want to lose 30 pounds the I know that I have to work out and watch what i eat. That’s it.

Wait what??? NO Mauricio. I need a 30-page plan on nutrition and i need to track all my nutrition and i need all the right equipment and I need and i need and i need…….

Do you see the problem????

What i need is 1 workout I will do the next month. ONE WORKOUT. And I am going to stop eating sugar and fried greasy ass food. THATS IT.

But we don’t like that because that’s too simple. We need to complicate a little bit don't we??

The key is to come up with simple daily things we can do. And then WE DO THEM EVERY SINGLE DAY.

It’s funny. Every time I move forward in any area in my life, I realize how much we are our own enemy.

That by default we are very faulty and stubborn human beings.

SO, we must fight this urge to make things complicated and to sedate, so We don’t have to see the results in our lives.

If we do this, We already done more than most people in the world!

I want to see you win. And win BIG.

Because it is not fun to win alone.




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