Why YOU aren't Motivated to Exercise and Diet ??
George Dobson
Health & Fitness System for Software Engineers/Founders/ Sedentary Workers to Fix Metabolism, Transform Physically and Optimise Quality of Life ??
I had a business mentor once who told me; "if someone doesn't get results on your program because they didn't do what you told them, it's still your fault."
This simultaneously gave me a sense of freedom and infuriated me.
The sense of freedom came from feeling like whatever problem I encountered, I had the power to solve it.
The anger came from the fact that my program requires 3 days in the gym for 40-60 mins and 2 hours of food prep (PER WEEK) whilst still being able to eat out, drink and enjoy your fav foods. ZERO cardio is needed.
So what else could these guys ask for? ??
My goal is to get people motivated to take action on those few tasks.
Luckily, I've cracked the code for 95% of people who join, immediately.
We do this by Boosting Motivation:
Motivation and discipline are different.
Motivation = An innate desire to take action on a task with limited/ zero resistance.
Discipline = The ability to take action on a task against current desires keeping a delayed gratification for a future goal in our mind to justify action.
Every success guru in fitness, business or anything else will spout on the importance of discipline.
I think they're just patting themselves on the back for their "hard work" because in reality... They're just highly motivated.
I believe in relying on discipline as little as possible and setting up our lives to be motivated to take action. Here are the steps to do that:
All of these factors lead to one common theme. We MUST believe what we are doing will work!
If you don't believe in the process, why would you bother?
I inundate my clients with the results of my other clients so they know what they will achieve. I explain why each habit works so they are informed on the trade-off of NOT doing the habit we discussed, I set goals that are worth the effort and ensure weekly progression so they become GOOD at what we are doing.
This btw, is one of the steps to ensure long-term results.
I hope this is helpful to you.
If you want to lose 30lbs in 12 weeks and KEEP your results, send me a message and I'll get you started with some free resources.