Why You Aren't Being Promoted

Why You Aren't Being Promoted

By Lindy Earl

           I have worked with a myriad of people over my career, possibly more than others have, because of my role as a Consultant. I can be in a company for as little as a few months, or as long as several years. During that time I have met many people, some of whom were great workers, some of whom were lazy and just collecting a paycheck. I have gotten to the point where I can spot the lazy people very quickly. Sadly, I often see these people stay in their roles, when others would do a better job.

           Some people, however, seem to have a fast track to the top. They start their job, and the next thing you know, they have a new title and a better office. They seem to be the CEO’s best friend the way they always say hello in the hallway. What magic surrounds these people, when you’ve been in your same job for what you believe is too long?

           One reason you may not have been promoted is that you haven’t communicated your desire. Oh, you may have mentioned to someone that you would like a better job, but that’s not what is being communicated every day. When you get dressed every morning, are you dressing for success? Do you have on the attire of your current role, or the role you want? You should always dress for the position you want, not the one you have.

           Second, when you dress (this is going to sound cheesy – sorry), are you putting on a good attitude and a smile? It seriously does help. I’m sorry if you had a fight with someone or traffic was bad. I get it. We all deal with it. Some people, however, deal with it internally and show the world a smile. You need to be that person. Yes, you can complain privately to a friend. Once.

           Are you coming in early every day, so that you can hang up your coat and get your coffee and still be at your desk, ready to work, at your start time? Too often people show up just as the clock strikes, then they take ten minutes or more saying good morning to colleagues before starting their day. Be at your desk when you are supposed to start work, or even earlier.

           Are you giving a hundred percent the entire day? I admit, I’m a morning person. I can accomplish a huge amount of my to-do list in the first few hours of the day. I’m on fire! But, as the day goes, I can feel myself slowing down. There are tasks that I just don’t want to begin at 4pm!

           So, to handle my body clock, I do all my hardest, most mind-challenging tasks first thing in the morning. Thus, I save all my remedial tasks – expense reports, for instance – in the afternoon. The work has to get done, but does not take creativity and energy. If you’re the opposite, and come alive after lunch, then do your simplistic work first thing in the morning and save your exciting work for when you’re at your best. This is what the people who are being promoted are doing!

           Are you keeping your nose in only your own business? There are some silly adages for this: loose lips sink ships and snitches end up in ditches. Basically, avoid the urge to gossip. Yes, talking about someone’s medical appointments is gossip. It can be guised as concern, but the concern isn’t yours. Keep this information to yourself, and if somebody brings it up, just nod along.

           Are you the first one out the door at the end of the day, possibly even packing up ten minutes before you’re off? I understand that sometimes there are responsibilities – children have to be picked up, games and classes must be attended. I get that! Please make sure that you clearly communicate why you are out the door so quickly, and the days that you don’t HAVE TO be gone, consider lingering just a bit, to be sure that everything is up to date.

           I hope nobody feels picked on at this point. I’m guessing this does not describe anybody reading this, but we can all think of someone with whom we work that fits the traits. But, let’s look at the people who are being promoted. 

Do you think that they are getting ahead because they are somehow just more likable? That may have some merit, but it’s probably more than that. For instance, are they coming in early and staying late on a regular basis? As said above, maybe they don’t have a spouse or children or continuing education requiring their time, but the fact is, the people who work more are often the ones who get ahead. Maybe this just isn’t your season. You’ll work more hours when your current situation changes. That’s okay.

The people being promoted are often the ones who take initiative and volunteer for tasks. I agree with you, that new project sounds deadly! But, someone has to head it.  I’d rather be in charge of a bad project than in charge of nothing. Yes, it will mean extra hours, but in a good company, that extra time will be rewarded.

Have you noticed that, often but not always, the people being promoted are always in a good mood? They seem to have a positive outlook on life. It shows, and it’s contagious. People want to be around people like that! Be a person like that, even if you have to fake it.

As for the fact that the people being promoted seem to be friends with the C-suite: please notice that they are probably friendly with everyone! Do they say hello to you before you say hello? They are saying hello to everyone. They are probably using names as well. There is a difference between hearing a murmured “G’morning,” and a “Good morning, Name!” The second is just nicer to hear. Be the person who says it!

But not all the reasons that some people get ahead are easy to see. These are the people who not only take on extra work, but they get it all done, better than expected, and usually early. Yep, it is one thing to meet a deadline. It is a better thing to beat a deadline. This is why they are at work early and stay late every day, yet still have time to say hello in the hallway.

How do they do it?  As stated above, they know themselves well enough to know how to schedule their time. They make lists at the end of the day so that they can come in and hit the ground running. They have a good idea of what is important and what is fun and focus appropriately.

I have met too many people who quit a job because they weren’t being promoted, blaming the company and thinking it would be different somewhere else. In truth, sometimes that’s true. 

In one case, I was just trying to volunteer with an organization. I tried everything but couldn’t get in. I offered to stuff envelopes, answer phones. Anything. I just wanted to serve. Nothing. Then, another organization called me, out of the blue it seemed to me, and asked me to volunteer as one of half a dozen leaders. These people had seen my initiative and abilities and wanted to use me when another organization couldn’t, or wouldn’t.

In fairness, some people aren’t promoted because of nepotism. I once worked for a CEO who had loved his previous company, but realized that he was never going to get to where he wanted to be because it was a family-ish company and he was never going to be an insider. His jump worked for him.

But, in general, if the challenge is within yourself, then changing organizations won’t help. Make the changes you need to make, communicate your interest to the appropriate people, and fill out some on-line applications. Then, you can go to your boss and say that you’ve already applied for a promotion. That shows initiative!

You are in charge of your future, by taking control of what you choose to do today. You can get that next promotion!

Lindy Earl is a Business Consultant, Speaker, Trainer, and Author. Please contact Lindy today at [email protected]


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