Why are YOU Afraid of DYING?
James Robertson ETI
The Almighty Creator seeks a DEEP personal relationship with YOU -- I can help you
One of the things I have noticed recently is the extent to which death is viewed as very undesirable.
Our society goes to great lengths to prevent death and individuals fight hard to avoid dying “prematurely” whatever one means by “prematurely”.
For example, I have come across a YouTube video where a group of Charismatic Christians share about a spiritual battle through intercessory prayer to save the life of a young child.?Inherently they regard death as something highly undesirable and to be prevented at all costs.?But nobody asks the question as to whether the child would be better off dying.?Eventually, after about three weeks of intense intercession the child turns the corner and death is averted.?And so they are set on a road of growing up in our messed up and confused world.
Accordingly, I would like to look at the realities of one’s options at death and whether one SHOULD in fact, fear death and, by extension, how should one live one’s life on a day to day basis.
If you do NOT have a deep settled assurance of the reality of the Creator AND some level of relationship with Him then death IS undesirable.
When you die you will become a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon, unable to move around without external motive power.?In the worst case you will end up on your rotting corpse in the grave for Eternity, or in the Crematorium Oven.?Or you might manage to move onto a family member or other mourner who embraces your corpse.?Of IF you are a notable sinner you might be transferred onto a designated target to lead them into deeper sin.
Irrespective of the exact outcome you DO have good reason to fear death and that applies to virtually the whole population of the Earth (this includes most nominally religious people by the way).
2.??????Unbelieving Believer
If you at some time momentarily deeply recognized the existence of the Creator but then reverted to leading life as though He does not exist then, when you die, you WILL indeed make it into Heaven but into the Outer Darkness, the outer reaches of Heaven, a pitch black, ice cold highly unpleasant location with millions of others weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth at their misfortune, the trash heap of Heaven (the Almighty’s words).?Arguably a worse outcome than dying as?an Unbeliever.
3.?????Believer with Unrepented Sin
IF you die as a Believer with unrepented sin you will spend a season in Hell being tortured for your sin before you make it into heaven where you WILL be rewarded for what you have done for the Almighty – see https://www.ETIMin.org/hell ??Better than nothing but you might be justified in fearing death in this case.
4.??????Believer free of Sin
IF you die as a Believer FREE of Sin – which is entirely possible – see https://www.ETIMin.org/what-is-required-to-live-above-sin you will go directly to Heaven and be rewarded for what you have accomplished on Earth for Father Yah the Almighty Creator, see https://www.ETIMin.org/where-are-you-going and https://www.ETIMin.org/where-are-you-going In this case NO reason to fear death, in fact, if you REALLY get a fix on this?you will look forward to dying barring that you will have a ministry and calling that will keep you on Earth for a while.
5.?????Heaven is REAL and Beautiful -- Some Useful References
Those who have been to Heaven and returned say it IS beautiful – see the links below.
That being so, there is NO reason for a truly committed Believer who is making a sincere effort to serve the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing – NOT Jesus, NOT The LORD, NOT God – to fear death.
Note that a child below the age of accountability, which I understand to be 14, puberty falls under the covering of their father if the father is a believer in which case the child goes directly to Heaven – so in the case mentioned above there really was no need to spend three weeks interceding.
The counterpoint to that is IF you are a true Believer AND free of sin you will have a reasonable basis to EXPECT to live to age 80 or older PROVIDED you stay free of sin and free of error.
Consider the following YouTube videos:
"I Saw Heaven!"
A powerful and thought provoking testimony of somebody who visited Heaven at the age of 8 years old --?https://youtu.be/O9BkY9vEIZs??
Strongly recommended albeit that his use of Jesus, Christ, etc is challenging relative to what I advocate.
"Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife"
This is a particularly important video for cynical analytical people who do not believe in an afterlife.?This man is a Neurosurgeon and a believer through traditional church who was taken to heaven and miraculously healed – I strongly recommend this for people who do not believe and who are cynical.
"Life to Afterlife Death and Back Full Official Movie"
Another interesting movie – a number of different people with Near Death Experiences where they left their bodies and returned.
Some of the people clearly position themselves as believers, others as Atheists and others are not specific.
It is my clear understanding that ONLY a believer can have such an experience as true Unbelievers are NOT taken to Heaven, they are briefly shown Heaven and then return to their corpse as an Ancestor Spirit (Demon)
One man in particular in the video declares himself to have been an Atheist at the time of his experience but Father says that he had a momentary revelation of the reality of the Creator early on in his life, sufficient for him to cross the line but not sufficient to make a lasting impression, but on the strength of this early life belief he qualified to go to Heaven and return as a strong evangelist.
That said, it is important to note that for a Believer to die the ways that were experienced there was either major sin or major curses at work.
The key point of all these experiences that I have shared as far as I am concerned is to give those who believe the comfort of deeply understanding that there is NO reason to fear death and every reason to look forward to Heaven AND to get the message across to Unbelievers that there are MAJOR reasons why they should turn to Belief.
"From life to death, beyond and back | Thomas Fleischmann | TEDxTUHHSalon"
You may find this video of interest in light of the others, very statistical and clinical ??
"Woman Drowns Dead an Hour - Meets Jesus Returns With Powerful Message - Amazing NDE!"
Another interesting Near Death Experience
"Kevin Zadai Died & Jesus Told Him These Words… | Something More"
A further similar message
""Heaven Is For Real" Interview with Todd and Colton Burpo"
Remarkable report by a young man taken to Heaven at the age of four during surgery
Met his sister who died in miscarriage – this is important – all children who are miscarried or aborted whose fathers are Believers are in Heaven.
Met Yahooshua (Jesus) and saw the Almighty Creator and clear distinction between the two
Clear message that many people do NOT get to Heaven
Worth watching
The fate of Believers in sin:
"23 Minutes in Hell (original) - Bill Wiese, The Man Who Went To Hell"?
The opposite side
Note that if you listen carefully to the Bible Verses that he quotes Hell is, IN FACT FOR BELIEVERS who have unrepented sin in their lives when they die
I hope that firstly this article has challenged you to seek a DEEP personal relationship with the Creator and to live a life free of sin AND THEN to lose all fear of death.
May the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you Peace.
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman
End Time Issue Ministries
20 October 2021
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.