Why you are ADDICTED to weird things & your clients, too

Why you are ADDICTED to weird things & your clients, too

"There's no line to draw. If I could kill someone on television, I would execute 'em on television."

Richard Dominick

Evil or genius

It was the summer of 1992, Chicago Tribune received a press release. A new show is coming to Chi-town. A young former Cincinnati governor and news anchor was launching his first show. His name was Jerry Springer.

Son of Holocaust survivors, loving politics and wanting fame, Jerry made it to the windy city. Oprah was killing every show in the grill; she was getting 12 to 14 million views daily. Jerry never made it to more than 2 million a show. Jerry needed a push with 200 hundred shows a year and moving down the food chain. Someone came to the picture to save the show after being transferred from 11 am to 2 am [the dead zone for TV shows].

Richard Dominick, a former newspaper genius. Dominick was known for his brilliant way of making headlines that sell. He makes record sales for newspapers with taglines that make it impossible not to read.

  • "My Wild Affair with Bigfoot"
  • "Toaster Possessed by the Devil"
  • "Howdy Doody Dummy Comes Alive and Saves Drowning Man"

He landed as Executive producer with the motto: "Make the show interesting with the sound off".

Things started to move fast and forward. Oprah was nervous, and she had a reason.??

"The Jerry Springer Show" officially overtook "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in the ratings, in May 1998

Jerry Springer: 7.6 rating, 9,860,000 viewers on average
Oprah Winfrey: 6.8 rating, 7,740,000 viewers on average

Richard Dominick's sensational headlines and provocative statements were instrumental in transforming The Jerry Springer Show into a cultural phenomenon and solidifying its place in television history. He left the show in September 2008 after 14 years. The show was cancelled in 2018, and Jerry died in 2023.?

The TV scene was never the same- The Kardashians, The Housewives of…., the Bachelorette, same shit, different name.

What does all this have in common??? YOU and your lazy brain.

Dopamine induction, or your poison

Dopamine is the pleasure hormone [Dopamine and porn addiction] in case you want to read more about how this work.

The dopamine release induced by watching bizarre things may have several effects:

  • Enhanced attention: Dopamine can increase the gain of sensory-evoked responses in the prefrontal cortex, potentially enhancing attention to the bizarre stimuli.
  • Improved perception: Dopamine activation has been shown to preserve visual motion perception despite noise in the visual cortex.
  • Motivation to continue watching: The dopamine release may reinforce the behavior of seeking out and watching more bizarre content

Why do you fall for this crap

People are drawn to weird things for various psychological and neurological reasons. This fascination with the unusual is deeply rooted in our brain's functioning and evolutionary history.

  • The Appeal of Novelty
  • Cognitive Challenges and Rewards
  • Emotional Arousal
  • Social and Cultural Factors

Nerd corner-Your brain is in a weird mood.

The brain's response to weird stimuli involves several key areas:

  1. The amygdala, which processes emotional responses, becomes more active when encountering unusual or potentially threatening stimuli.
  2. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for higher-order thinking, works to make sense of the weird experience and integrate it into our existing knowledge.
  3. The nucleus accumbens, part of the brain's reward system, may be activated when we successfully process and understand something unusual.

From the Roman Gladiators to killers' executions, Jerry and Dominic didn't invent anything new; they sold it better.

How does this work for your brand?

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

Oscar Wilde

?"Liquid Death" which is designed to have a similar aesthetic to alcoholic beverages, even though they contain no alcohol, is water, BRILLIANT-

When you see a kids drink, it is weird. It is prohibited, disconcerting to your brain, rebellious and disrupting. KIDS LOVE IT. Is it weird to your brain, AKA genius marketing.

Take your brand to another limit, be UNIKE, challenging, and disruptive.

The last 30 years of innovating products come from the “WTF” factor, underdogs and garage inventions, all were weird and out of the box for their time.

Do you want to know how to use science, hormones, and data to reach your people, gain more clients and break your competitors……………..yet, “BETTER CALL ASH”

[email protected] Set a call before your competitors put us on retainer to beat you. Don’t be safe; Oprah was punched; you can, too.

Classes that teach you this craft:



Our Brain and Emotions

Understanding Micro-Expressions

Body Language

Why we buy

20 reasons people buy

About the Author:

Susan is a former political influence consultant, profiler, and civilian hostage negotiator, with expertise, studies and Master’ in Human Behavior, Behavior Economics, Neuroscience and a nerd for data. Susan works on the humans that grow your business | High-performance Human Behavior training- I teach corporations & employees how to hack into humans using Behavior, Neuroscience & Persuasion |Behavior Economics

She has been called Freaky and the top expert on her field,? by the Chicago Tribune and Psychology Today.

She is the author and researcher of “Irrational Humans. People Make 35,000 Decisions a Day and 95% are Irrational, but Why & How?”


  • Body Language
  • Micro Expressions
  • Behavior Economics
  • Neuroscience
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Persuasion
  • Influence
  • How people make decisions
  • Irrational Behaviors








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