Why You Absolutely Need to Know How to Change Your State & Why it's Essential to Your Health Wealth and Happiness

Why You Absolutely Need to Know How to Change Your State & Why it's Essential to Your Health Wealth and Happiness

In one form or another you probably received lots of New Year wishes, toasting your #health #wealth and #happiness, and the polite thing for your public face is to responds with a smile, or may be you text or added that email footer 'Same to you'.

And that's it done and dusted. Time came to put Christmas and New year back in the loft cupboard, garage or where ever the decorations hang out for the next eleven months. The email footer got deleted along with the new year's resolution and you carried on with the normal safe hum drum day to day. Even though you secretly dream of being that better version of your self, having a more fulfilling life or making that business move that shuts the door on stress and dream crushing burn out.

Whether You Believe You Can Do a Thing or Not, You Are Right attributed to Henry Ford

Recently I've been talking about changing habits, the challenges and the 'Secret Hacks' and I could talk all day about the benefits and tactics but unless you're already looking for that help or I've managed to push the right button at the right time, I know that the majority of readers will scroll past, skim or bin.

But before you do, here’s the kicker: what if your ability to even engage with this post is being influenced by your emotional state?#because, believe it or not, your state is probably having the biggest impact on your decisions, actions, and outcomes. Here are a few relevant findings..."

  • Emotional State and Decision Making: Research shows that individuals in a positive mood tend to make more optimistic choices, while those in a negative mood may be more risk-averse.
  • Stress and Performance: Studies indicate that high stress often leads to impaired judgment and lower performance, while manageable levels of stress can enhance focus and motivate problem-solving abilities.
  • Mindfulness and Outcomes: Practices like mindfulness and meditation have been linked to better decision-making and overall #well-being. Being aware of one's state and emotions helps in making more deliberate and thoughtful decisions.


You've read it all before, just like my friend (we'll call her Jill). But listen up!

Not only was Jill a friend, but in the early days when I was gathering coaching hours for my diploma she'd had a few sessions, and we'd got her back on her bike, back packing appreciating and enjoying her single life. So, with her spoken goals achieved she went on her way... And via FB I notices she'd even started dating again. So imagine my surprise when I received a sobbing call, she could hardly talk through the grief. He'd brought so much joy to her life, they'd been dating for months he lived in the North and she in the South but in the early flush of mature dating it didn't matter they were made for each other... then without warning he'd ended it!

She was distraught, slipped back into self depreciating blame, she'd tried everything, begged, pleaded but he was resolute, his own extended family life that he enjoyed locally trumped all she could offer, he didn't want to move in...what could she do how could she get him back?

And I know they'll be some strong personalities reading, thinking WTF! yes I get it, but obviously I'm a coach and right now she needed me to put the hat on. And way before we had that adult conversation about moving on...('why on earth would she want to waste energy trying to manipulate someone who did not want to be with her etc. ) I needed her to change her state.

So I did what we call an Intentional State Interruption

The psychology here is that the problems or obstacles a client is experiencing originate inside them and that in order for the person to get better or change, the “root cause”, state, needs to shift.

I told her...

"Stand up, and sing- 'All things bright and beautiful', at the top of your voice, dance, spin around imagine you're in a meadow of golden flowers'

In the cold light of day while I'm typing this it sounds silly, but I'm smiling remembering, she (Jill), a regular church goer sang like a Sunday morning choir and once she'd finished she laughed, sat down and said, 'Wow I feel better now, got things to do! Thanks'.

My point is...You don't have to be going through an emotional crisis for your emotions to be dragging you down, the weather, our environment the company we keep, even what we eat can all impact our feelings and decision to do or not to do something.

If you're resonating with this right now and those #personalgrowth resolutions you made at the beginning of the year are already fading, seeming less important than sitting in your comfort zone, the zone that will make this just 'another year' rather than a NEW year... do yourself a favour pop your headphones on pump up the volume and go walk in nature, gift that last box of chocolates, take action you and I both know you already know what you need to DO to get back on track.

#personalgrowth #professionalgrowth #wellbeing #mentalhealth

Niki Kerr is a Personal & Business Growth Expert, Licensed DISC Communication Trainer, Executive Contributor - Brainz Magazine, Empowering Leaders , Ambitious Individuals and Small Business Professionals to find Solutions | Strategies | Elevated Confidence


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