Why Year-Round Education?
Puzzle Box Academy
Florida's top alternative learning academy, dedicated to providing exceptional education for exceptional students
By: Dr. Manuel Rodriguez, DBA, BCBA, Puzzle Box Academy, Florida, USA.
When it comes to the education of our children, every decision we make is towards their journey as a student and their growth as people. At Puzzle Box Academy, we are proud to work with a neurodiverse population of children. Recently Puzzle Box Academy went to a year-round program to support our families. Why?
Beyond our already science-based approach to education, a unique integration of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) strategies in the classroom, and comprehensive therapy available to our students, embarking on a year-round program significantly supports our students and families. The subject matter of year-round education is not a novel approach to education, and yet it is rare. This article is to share the pros of a year-round education – it’s why Puzzle Box Academy, and other institutions, have moved in this direction; in short, to support our learner’s growth further.?
Students bring their experiences, personality, and abilities to their Puzzle Box Academy journey. We cultivate them into a personalized learning experience that transforms their lives. Our year-round program further elevates our students and families experience to achieve their long-term goals.
Pros of the year-round education model:
Much is written about year-round education, and we encourage readers to dive into the literature and research. As with all good research, there are both pros and cons. Our research and experience suggest that the year-round program offers more pros than cons, and our families agree.?
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To learn more about Puzzle Box Academy and our Year-Round programs, preschool to 12th grade, visit our website, www.puzzleboxacademy.com.?
Articles we recommend:
ASCD (2010). What research says about…/year-round schooling. Volume 67, number 6, published April 1, 2010. https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/year-round-schooling?
Alexander, K. L., Entwisle, D. R., & Olson, L. S., (2007). Lasting consequences of the summer learning gap. American Sociological Review, 72(4), 167–180.
Cooper, H., Valentine, J. C., Charlton, K., & Melson, A. (2003). The effects of modified school calendars on student achievement and school and community attitudes. Review of Educational Research, 73(1), 1–52.
McGuire, B. (2019). The Pros and Cons of Year-Round School. American College of Education. Published July 17, 2019. https://ace.edu/blog/the-pros-cons-of-year-round-school/#:~:text=Year%2Dround%20school%20provides%20a,with%20unsupportive%20or%20unstable%20homes
McMillen, B. J. (2001). A statewide evaluation of academic achievement in year-round schools. The Journal of Educational Research, 95(2), 67–74.
Mortin, A. (2022). Pros and Cons of Year-Round School. Very Well Family. Published November 10, 2022. https://www.verywellfamily.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-year-round-school-621001?
Walker, K. (2019). Research Brief: Year-Round School. Education Partnerships, Inc. Submitted December 19, 2009.