Why www.Skilldetector.com?

Why www.Skilldetector.com?

We started working on www.Skilldetector.com one and a half year ago because we saw the big difficulties the companies have when they want to recruit top persons for their positions.

The website www.Skilldetector.com is a HR recruiting platform which aims to create a more powerful relationship between the companies trying to find the most suitable future employers and the job candidates.

Labor market in Romania has undergone extremely strong changes in a very short time, the economy moving from a planned socialist economy to an almost functional market economy. These rapid changes have created a rift between the level of training required by multinational companies investing more and more in Romania and universities that didn’t adapt their curricula to these present needs. There are also several universities where the number of graduates is too big for current necessities, this number being not adjusted with the rapid economic changes. However there are many self-taught people, who have adapted and managed to learn alone about different fields of activity, for example IT. Many have learned to work in these new branches in unorganized framework using existing online documentation, having no diploma attesting their knowledge.

But the chances of these people to find a job are very low because the vast majority of companies still put very much emphasis on the completion of a conventional study finished with a degree. For many jobs there are many applicants (usually over 100) and HR departments are overburdened, having no time to test the professional knowledge of all these candidates. Despite, only those who have the best qualifications or the most extensive professional experience are called to an interview, the others having less chances although they may be even better prepared.

Our online platform is primarily a classic job site. But we will also implement a module to filter the job applicants via a competence quiz, which will equilibrate the chances of all applicants, independent of the previous work experience and studies. The online quiz will be taken according to the conditions of companies and will bring the following benefits:

  • It allows the access on the labour market for persons who know very well a field of activity, even if they have no previous work experience or competence certificate. Now these persons are condemned to live from state social welfare, even if they adapted and developed new skills, but in an unorganized uncertified manner.
  • It will bring more transparency to the selection process of new employees. When the whole recruitment process is done according to objective aspects, like the actual skills of the candidates, there is no or little room for choosing persons according to other aspects, like age, sex, nationality, friendships.
  • It will ease the work of HR departments in companies, which are currently overburdened with many new applications for employment. The time spend for sorting these applications is currently very long, the quiz based filtering module helping greatly in this direction, lowering to a minimum the necessary time for processing the applications. In conclusion the HR departments can focus a lot more on programs for existing employees (like teambuilding programs, periodical evaluations).

Current websites pretend large amounts of money for adding new job offers, prohibitive for small firms. www.Skilldetector.com will have a much better price/quality ratio, naturally after a period of free access during beta.

For the persons in search of a job, www.Skilldetector.com provides the possibility to create a multimedia CV, which significantly differentiates from the classic CV format. You will be able to add a presentation video of yourself and to present your portfolio in detail, with photos and video of each project. The CV format is highly customizable, the user being able to rename or remove the CV categories.

Another important feature is the possibility to write a review on the candidate’s CV. This way, the persons who evaluate the candidates can make a notation directly on the CV. These reviews can be seen in real time by everybody having access to the company account (e.g. HR Manager or CEO), which are now able to follow live the recruiting process.

Taking all these into consideration, we believe that www.Skilldetector.com will fill a gap on the labour market, bringing important advantages both for companies and job candidates.

P.S Here's the presentation video:


Mihai-Lucian Radu, Dr. ing., PMP的更多文章

