Why Write The Storms Have Only Just Begun?
Rob Streetman
Workplace Minister | Disciple Maker | Writer | President of inLight Consulting, Inc.
A new book, The Storms Have Only Just Begun, will be available for purchase in the next couple of weeks. Portions of the book’s introduction are included here to explain its purpose and format. We need your help to get this important message to as many Christians as possible. Will you help? The storms are upon us.
In early 2015, my father asked me how much stock I was putting into the proposition of God’s soon coming judgment on America, as presented in The Harbinger (Cahn, 2012). I did not have a strong answer. In essence, I did not know what the Lord would have me believe. So, I asked Him.
In short, I received the Lord’s affirmation that a storm was indeed coming to America; and, most importantly, that judgment was coming to the church that resides here. The Lord encouraged me to prepare spiritually; and to help others do the same. Helping others manifested itself in a series of articles on the inLight Adventures blog site and a short eBook, A Storm is Coming.
In the intervening five years, God has stirred a desire in my heart to become, and help others become, houses who stand in the storms of life – a direct reference to Jesus’s warning at the end of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:24-27). God has promised to give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4). He does that for me by using me as His pen.
The Storms of God’s Judgment
It is important to clarify, God never gave me a specific date for His judgment on the church in America. First of all, I am not a prophet. Secondly, God does not judge one moment and stop judging the next. He is always, and will always, be the Judge of all creation – beginning with His people.
The church in America has been in decline for some time now, beginning long before 2015. However, our slide down the slippery slope of carnal compromise has accelerated over the last five years. One must wonder if God has not altogether removed His favor and protection.
The social, economic, and political unrest of this decade threaten to further fast-track the church’s decline – at least as long as she determines to be a compromised subculture to the American way of life. The Church in America faces a crossroads described by Romans 12:2.
And?do not be conformed to this world, but?be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may?prove what?is?that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Those who fail to embrace an uncomfortable transformation will become more conformed to the world around them.
Our Purpose in this Book
In the coming decade, houses will fall and the people and institutions those houses represent will be looking around for refuge, encouragement, and understanding. This will include individuals and corporate entities we know of as “Christian”. The potential opportunities for positive kingdom impact are exceedingly, abundantly beyond what we can imagine. I truly believe the storms of this decade are God’s answer to our prayers for revival – the brokenness of idols and the death-to-self required for transformation.
The Christian leaders – the real leaders – of the coming decade will be those individuals, families, and fellowships who have assessed the foundations of their houses, pursued the necessary deconstruction and restoration, and surrendered to God’s sacrificial love for others. Our purpose in this book is to help Christians – those who are and will become leaders – navigate the chaos and storms of the 2020s in God’s ways.
Our Thesis
God uses chaos to drive a wedge between our spirit man and the world. His call to come out of the world must be answered. Chaos forces us to come off the fence. Stepping down on the wrong side will lead to deeper conformity with the world; responding rightly will lead to transformation by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:2). This applies to individuals, groups, and fellowships of all sizes.
God will allow the chaos to create a suffering to separate our spirit man and our flesh. As we argued in An Enemy Lies Within (2020), the carnal mind (i.e., the mind of our flesh) has been the #1 enemy of God’s people since we rebelled against Him by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Those willing to endure the suffering will come to know and loathe their whiny, blame-shifting, excuse-making flesh while turning to their Father in heaven for understanding, comfort, and strength. The key is to maximize the suffering for God’s glory and our maturity.
This Study
Based on Jesus’ closure to the Sermon on the Mount, we could simply encourage each other to hear and do the sayings found there. But what does that look like for a 21st Century Christian who may have a shallow or faulty foundation? Becoming the Christian described in the Beatitudes is a lifetime pursuit. How can we be sure our houses are strong and secure right now?
For those comfortable with the stability of their foundation and the security of their house, we have provided a short list of Jesus’ sayings in the Appendix. Take a moment and test yourself. How many of our Lord’s sayings are you doing? How many have you considered? How many could you have listed?
For those more concerned, please consider that every house renovation begins with an inspection, our obvious first step. Are we thinking rightly about God’s kingdom and His purposes for the church? Have we been deceived, distracted, or lulled to sleep? How will we respond when the storms rage against our house? What will we do when weak spots are exposed?
God’s purpose in the storms is the inspection, testing, and ultimate perfection of our houses. Except for the most mature Christian, inspection exposes shallowness, cracks, and weak construction. Repair and remediation must quickly follow inspection, lest the storms catch us unprepared. Ignorance is bliss only until the moment your house comes tumbling down.
It is important to recognize, God has both the grace and desire to fully restore our houses. He simply wants our cooperation. That is not to suggest navigating the chaos is easy. For many of us, it will be the hardest thing we have ever done, and the reason we need to walk with others.
Once the structural issues have been repaired to God’s satisfaction, our final consideration will be His way for our abiding. With Christ abiding in us and us in Him, how do we respond to the storms of this decade and the destruction they produce. While the full breadth of the abiding life is beyond this study, we will touch on some of the responsibilities and opportunities entrusted to the inhabitants of strong houses. These include the refuge, encouragement, and building up of others (i.e., making disciples).
Making the Most of It
Books are written to be read, but reading this book will not make your house strong enough to stand in the chaos and storms of this decade. This book will not help you apart from relational prayer with God and should therefore function as a tool for your conversations with Him.
To encourage and foster your relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we have included a lot of questions – particularly in the inspection section. Here are a few you should already be asking:
1.?????What does a strong house look like? How does my house compare? Is the foundation complete and well anchored?
2.?????What are God’s ways for constructing and restoring houses? Do my ways align with His? Am I committed to finding and following His way?
3.?????What are God’s purposes in the storms and for my house in the midst of them?
Many of the questions you encounter will be intentionally left unanswered. They are questions best answered by God, not man. Take time to listen; the most critical thing we will need in the storms is a recognition of God’s voice.
Finally, let me suggest three additional considerations. First, God knows our frame and is dynamic and specific in His working in us to both will and to do for His good pleasure. It is important to trust His work in ourselves and in others. In the end, it will all make kingdom sense. Trust the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Secondly, this book has been written in response to the storms which have come to America and to the church that resides here. However, it will serve you well to recognize the truths presented here apply to every storm of life (e.g., cancer, loss of a loved one, persecution). These storms are allowed to test our faith, and to prove and prepare us for future tribulations.
Thirdly, I encourage you to read The Storms Have Only Just Begun from three perspectives. First, read them from the perspective of your own preparation. Only the prepared are positioned to help prepare others. Second, consider those in your spheres of influence, for you are responsible, and will benefit, from their preparation.
Most importantly, consider God’s perspective. Focus on Him and His pleasure. Use the talents you have been given wisely. Behold the glory of the Lord, and you will be transformed into the very same image – a light and a refuge for the brethren (2Corinthians 3:18, Matthew 5:16).
God bless you with overflowing joy and peace for this tumultuous decade.
Have a strong day in the Lord,
Rob (#iamjustthepen)