Why Write a Daily Newsletter?
Should you send your newsletter daily, weekly, or monthly?
It's a debate I've had for a while before launching.
But I finally decided to stick with a daily sending schedule.
Or how I like to call it…
Od-school, direct response, "Ben Settle" style emails.
Ben is a fan of sending daily emails to your list and treating it like talk radio. That means you can talk about anything you like, so long as you tie it back to what your list is interested in and the product you're selling. That's very appealing to me.
For example, in the bodybuilding niche:
You can start an email about recycling water bottles…
Then transition to…
"You can also "recycle" your muscles by doing this one thing…"
And voila!
You have an email about water bottles, which is actually about muscle-building…
Once you get going, you can find creative tie-ins with anything you're writing.
Keep it up, and you can tap into an endless spigot of content.
That's why I've decided to write this newsletter daily.
I'm not doing it because Ben and others claim it can help you generate more sales by interacting with your readers more often. Nah. Of course, I plan on promoting offers I care about to you, but that's not why I'm writing daily…
For me, the biggest benefit is having a daily writing and publishing habit.
It forces me to think, make connections, and start snowballing my published work so that it may someday lead to something greater.
Maybe this sounds appealing to you.
Maybe it doesn't.
But whichever path you choose—make sure to experiment.
At first, I was convinced I wanted this to be a weekly newsletter. I convinced myself I had no time to commit to a daily email.
But once you start writing, it's hard to turn off.
I have ideas for emails for the next month, at least!
I'll cut it here. Thanks again for being one of my first subscribers.
Feel free to drop a reply with your thoughts. I'm curious.
Are you writing a newsletter?
If you are—is it daily, weekly, monthly?… quarterly?
Mike Carr
Writing a daily newsletter might help you quickly overcome the "cringe" feeling. When you have a deadline daily, you don't have time to overthink something you wrote a week ago. You're already onto the next topic. I'm sure I'll look back on my writing here and shudder… but it's just part of the process. Embrace it!