Why would you want to have your woman on a pedestal?

Why would you want to have your woman on a pedestal?

When a new love interest comes into your life who appears to be perfect in every way and exactly what you’ve been looking for, it’s hard not to get excited about her.

It’s possible you’re seeing her through rose-colored glasses and making her out to be better than she really is.

When your woman isn’t able to be herself.

Do you want a strong confident woman?

If so, then the co-dependent relationship isn’t it. Co-dependency lowers a person’s self-confidence because they have to have the other person to beagle to do the task at hand.

There is also a lack of boundaries. Lots of people-pleasing and that is what a nice guy is. A people pleaser and they are liars and manipulators.

The couple reacts to events instead of responding. Along with poor communication skills.

This is just scratching the surface.

So looking at that list why would you want to have your woman on a pedestal when this is the result?

You are creating distance between you and your wife. This is often the reason why you are not having as much sex as you like.

Women need a connection with the man they are wanting to sleep with. If there is no connection there then their clothes stay on their body and the further the connection the more layers of clothes they add.?

You also lose the deep intimate connection you and your wife desire because you are trying to manipulate your wife in a very underhanded way.

Less Satisfaction, The relationship won’t be as satisfying as you would like, simply because you aren’t allowing your wife to be the human she is.

She is having to worry about falling from this pedestal you created and though she may care about you she can’t love you completely because she isn’t being true to herself.

If you take the pressure off her for having to measure up to whatever lofty idea you have about her.

You are actually allowing her to open up as a human and you may just see that beautiful woman you first met all those years ago.

That doesn’t help you be the man your woman needs in her life. When you play small you end up frustrated and sensing that you are lacking in your life. That is simply because you are not even trying to reach your potential. Your soul is crying out for the need to be fulfilled.

Those challenges in your life you are running away from simply because you don’t want to reach for the big things in life.?

Many times we don’t try for the big stuff because we are afraid of what your friends will think. That thought goes for your girlfriend or wife too.

What if they think that I’m doing something useless?

What if they think I’m being foolish?

What if?

One you can’t prove that is actually what they are thinking and even if they are thinking one of those thoughts, what are you making that mean?

You could be that you are using those thoughts as an excuse to not even try to grow. Because that is scary, because your wife may see what you do as foolish.

Then again if you fail she may leave, and then you have a whole new set of thoughts about that circumstance. The Pedestal doesn’t help the relationship

A relationship is two people going through life together. We have already seen how one person isn’t able to go through life on their terms because they are being placed on a pedestal. This does cause some resentment.

Disclaimer:?The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Thank you ….Whether you are married or not. There is one thing we nice guys do that is doing us more harm than good. Yeah, it appears to be the ultimate form of honor for our spouse or girlfriend but this activity is one of many reasons you may be looking at splits.

How much do you cherish your wife??

She is my everything. I married out of my league I don’t know how I got so lucky.

These are the most common phrases you may have said to yourself or others about your partner.

What’s wrong if it’s true?

Well, the problem is that you are putting your wife or girlfriend on a pedestal, and that isn’t someplace that is helpful nor do they actually want to be there.

Are you putting your spouse on a pedestal?

It does seem nice to want to put your wife or girlfriend on a pedestal. You want to show her off. Tell the world .LOOK! How wonderful of a woman I found! She is smoking hot, and she married a guy like me!

Do you want to add a word or two?...

Of course, you are pure and undeniable love- it’s the essence of who you really are. But does that mean your desire for love from another, is wrong?

There are millions of relationships all around us, from those who are unaware they are very fulfilled and happy. There are no rules, boundaries, or pedestals that we are confined to.

Desiring to be with a specific person, does not mean you are placing them too high on a pedestal. It does not mean only you can be on a pedestal, but they cannot, and only then can you manifest them back.

I find, that the desperation to want to be with a specific person, is not always due to a lack of self-love, or not valuing yourself.

It’s simply a lack of understanding who you really are, and how reality works.

Your Comments……

The desire to love, and be loved, to lean on someone, and have them lean on you, is a very valid desire.

Missing a specific person, does not mean you are doing something wrong. I am sure you have that special person in your life- a friend, family, child, pet or spouse- that you miss, despite knowing that they will always be in your lives.

Your assumptions underneath these desires, will always be how things unfold for you.

If you put someone on a pedestal, don’t be surprised when they start acting like you’re beneath them.

Variants of this quote run amok among dating advice columns.

The message is clear:

If you’re interested in a woman — or you’re dating her, too —put her on a pedestal.

But some men take this too far.

They’re in a relationship with a woman, but they refuse to give her much attention and respect, because they’re so fearful of “pedestalizing” her.

The result?

She doesn’t feel loved at all and, of course, no healthy relationship should be devoid of love.

So, logically speaking, this brings up the question:

What’s the difference between putting someone on a pedestal, and loving someone?

Here’s my take on this.

If you’re propping a woman up on a pedestal, chances are:

You begin showering her with compliments, gifts, and an outpouring of attention practically the moment you meet her

You’ve created, in your mind, a very specific image of who you think she is — without even knowing her very well at all

For all intents in purposes, you worship her — or, to be more exact, you worship the person you think she is or want her to be.

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