Why would i follow your page?
Zeenath Kuraisha
Customer Focused Sales Leader and Educator | Forbes & Gartner Member | #1 International Bestselling Author
Don’t invite people to like your company page unless you are posting and adding value.
Stop with the numbers game.
Used to be, people would be focused on getting connections, now it looks like the trend is to get more company page followers. Its showing up in notifications.
Ok that's great, but WHY would I follow your page?
If we are connections, then maybe I follow out of courtesy, but what's the real reason you want me to follow your page? Are you offering value to people when they visit your company page?
Your page is a funnel too. Decide what the goal is.
Is it to get a follow and have them then visit your website because you have offered value on your LNKD co page, getting them into your ecosystem? Expose them to your USP?
Get a newsletter subscriber or get them to a landing page or even, maybe just maybe they BUY something from you?
Of course that's the goal right? Provide value and offer a service, then do an amazing job for them so they refer business back to you.
Wash, rinse, repeat. Over and over again.
Look, I get it. I’ve struggled with this too and I’ve had to take a hard look at APACSMA’s LinkedIn page and I still have work to be done. I’m preaching here so I can be accountable too. Doing things the right way benefits us all. This is a call to action for all of us. I know alot of companies and people [well - don't want to mention name here] in industry except the real genuine ones actually BUY 'followers and likes'! I don't want to be one of them and i refused agencies with such proposals!!
APACSMA recently did a research and you can see how their ‘followers and likes’ jumped few thousands in 1-2 years. You can easily distinguish from the proportion of followers to likes they genuinely receive. If you want an expert research on your competitors solutions and social credibility - talk to us.
Have a plan, have a reason, know your WHY for the page and why you invite - just like for connections.
How are you inviting people?
And tell me your WHY?