Why would employers benefit more from a rebel workforce?
Georgiana C.
Fullstack Marketer with over 10+ years working with Marketing Data | Product Data | Sales Data | Automation Enthusiast | SQL 5+ | Python |
Recently I have overtook the Online Marketing processes for a client of mine.?
When I came to work the first week, I was continuously baffled by the comfortable routine my colleagues assumed. Requesting a couple of insignificant changes, like using Trello and Toggle for task and time management, not only was I surprised by the fact that none of the employees wanted to ease their activity, but without even looking into the two new options they have deemed them very complex and hard to work with. I was nonetheless stupefied at hearing them, but alas, I said I will go on a different path than showing my concern, and I will slowly woo them into using them.
This is only one aspect of my concern. Beyond the comfortable routine those employees fell into, I can see past their please don’t disturb the status quo of my endeavours as a threat to the organisation itself. The following account will exemplify best my argument.?
When I first came to work, during my first week I have observed that they have not had implemented the new social media feed for Instagram shopping. Having expressed my willingness to implement it, I had not heard one complaint to my intention. Moving forward three weeks into work, I have been called upon my request to do so, as apparently this is not on my task list. Ok, it’s not on my task list, not on the social media’s task list either, since she couldn’t care less about how to improve things, her major concern being, oh if X and Y didn’t say so, I don’t want to interfere, then on whose list is it?
When it comes to Social Media for my client, things are a bit grim. And when I say grim, they are badly organised, not following a strategy, and just done in order to thick the done box. What's more, the SM Manager is a unique one of a kind personality, that would never want to disrupt the things that she's been doing, for the account betterment. It feels just that she lacks curiosity all in all, and if she had learned bits and bobs about certain things, but she doesn't truly master them. One such cringe example, is a hallucinating conversation where she would continuously tell me that a question is a CTA, when all online marketers know that a CTA could never be a question. What is more stupefying, is the fact that she insisted that my understanding is erroneous and my social media audit is taken out of context. Well, excuse me missy, but I am sure you have not even heard the word audit in relation to your work processes so, how about you put some food for thought in why are you being paid? Cause up to this point, if I were your employer, and luckily I am not, you would have had some explanations to do. Elementary notions of online marketing are mandatory for your job, and besides lacking initiative, you seem to be lacking on comprehension, which is terrifying from where I stand. Since I have taken the time to help you out in your work, a bit of gratitude would have been better, since it would have helped you refresh some of your routine based actions and, maybe, if you would have cared to listened carefully to the new ideas to be implemented, the account would have had more traction. But hey, I am not the one to know, since you are the specialist, so please keep up your head in the ground like a veritable ostrich that you are and go cry around the employers ears on how badly mistaken my reviews are, in the context of you not knowing what a bloody CTA stands for.
Sustaining that a question is a CTA, should be darn embarrassing for yourself and the way you have went about communicating your concerns is another major NO-NO.
No wonder I am an advocate for the rebel workforce, which is in fact more curious than your average known typologies. If more and more people would be rebels, they would not accept things at face value, but will have a continuous desire to improve and diversify their abilities.
What I am trying to say here, is that once and for all the status quo disruption needs to start at the individual level, and one needs to understand that the only way change is possible is by each and every one of us. An organisation, being it small or big, needs to balance risks against opportunities and take the most prolific decision for the company. I fear that the comfortable seat of the employee, who does not raise any good points to the company needs to be buried once and for all.?
So if you are an employee, please don’t just sit comfy in your seat and do your repetitive and mundane tasks. Take the steering wheel and be the one who has initiative and wants to be an agent of change, as with the passing of time, you will otherwise become redundant to the organisation, and this is not the way you want to build your skills.?
If you are always happy with how things work and never look outside of your comfort zone to bring new elements to the table, you will be just another cog in the machine and, cogs are easily replaceable, as they are all moulded after the same standard and hence not unique.?
I thoroughly believe, that each client and employer for that matter, should look for the rebels in their work force.
Why am I making this bold statement?
It’s pretty straight forward. Rebels are never satisfied with the rules of the game. Rebels are always looking for new and better ways to achieve the best results. The most impressive leaders of the world were rebels. The ones that brought innovation forward were the ones who were not afraid to speak up, for what they believe in, for what needed be done to stir the organisational ship forward in keeping up and not being ahead of the technological revolution.?
Yes, sometimes it’s hard to account for how much you want a rebel in your organisation, but trust me, their minds work different from the simpletons who just want to keep their jobs.?