Why Is It Worth Checking Your Resume Before Sending an Application?
The modern job market is extremely competitive. Hundreds of candidates can apply for one position, which is why more and more companies use ATS (Applicant Tracking System) - a system that automatically analyzes and selects resumes. If your resume does not meet certain requirements, it may be rejected at the very first stage of recruitment, regardless of how good your qualifications are.
How does ATS work and what does it check?
ATS pays special attention to the correctness of formatting, the presence of appropriate keywords and the structure of the document. Complicated graphic elements, columns or unusual fonts can prevent the system from correctly reading your resume. For this reason, it is best to use simple, legible formats that are easy to process by both machines and people.
The role of bullet points in an effective resume
One of the key elements of a well-written resume is bullet points. Why? Because they help organize information, making the document more readable and understandable. Recruiters spend an average of just a few seconds reviewing your resume, so properly constructed bullet points allow them to quickly identify the most important information about your experience and skills.
How to write effective bullet points?
In general, focus on achievements, not responsibilities.