WHY IS THE WORLD IN SUCH A MESS? – Isn’t God In Control?
by Ken Simmons
In this article I will share some things with you that may be a bit too much to take in . . . at least for now.
When you go to the grocery store do you come home and eat everything you bought . . . that same day? No, you put what you can't, or don't want to eat . . . that day, in the pantry, saving it for a day when you're ready for it. You may have to do the same thing here with what I am going to share with you. If you find it a bit too much to swallow, at least for now, put it on the shelf, and some time later you might say, "I remember what that guy Ken said, and I think I'm ready for it now."
The headline of this article poses a question people everywhere ask. There are earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes, wars and famines, millions left homeless, murderers murder, and rapists rape. The world shouts out,
"If God's in control he's doing a lousy job. Why does God let these things happen?"
Shortly before the terrible events that occurred on 9/11, I was preaching at the California Institution for Women in Chino, California, and I asked the women inmates,
“How long will you continue to listen to the god of this world? Without knowing it, some of you have been listening to him all your lives. He whispers in your ear, saying ‘Why not? Everyone else is doing it?' And so you end up overdosing, or you end up pregnant with some really bad guy’s baby, or you end up killing someone. How’s that been working out for you - listening to the god of this world?"
the god of this world . . .
You may not realize it, but four times Jesus called Satan the god of this world, and the apostle Paul referred to him as the prince of this world.
Shortly after Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River, Jesus fasted for forty days, and the Bible tells us that the devil took him up onto an "exceedingly high mountain" where Satan showed Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory." And he said to the Lord, "All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me" (See Matthew 4:1-10, NKJV).
Something very profound happened at that time, and many people simply gloss right over it, never catching the real significance of that passage.
How did Jesus respond when Satan offered him "all the kingdoms of the world?" Did Jesus say, “No, it’s not yours to give” or “you don’t have the right to do that.” No, Jesus knew that Satan was the god of this world, and all these things were actually his to give. Wow! Let that sink in for a minute. Here was Satan telling Jesus, the Christ, that he (Satan) could give him all the kingdoms of the world and all the worldly glory that went with it. Jesus knew that it was within Satan’s authority to give him all these things. That’s right—Jesus knew that Satan wasn’t just blowing smoke, but that he could actually do what he said; give him everything this world has to offer. (I can see you now, reaching for the shelf, and saying, "that's a bit much to swallow, I'm not ready for it now . . . if ever!")
Let’s go to another passage—one that many of us also gloss over, not quite grasping its significance.
Jesus had gotten into the boat with his disciples, and during that time a great storm arose, and the disciples were afraid for their lives, but Jesus was calmly sleeping in the boat. The scriptures tell us, “And they came to Him and awoke Him, saying, ‘Master, Master, we are perishing!’ Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water. And they ceased, and there was a calm.” (Luke 8:24, NKJV)
Many teach that the significance of these passages was that Jesus had the faith, and the disciples didn’t, which was true, but there is something else that is of equal importance. Jesus rebuked the storm! Why did Jesus feel it necessary to rebuke it? Why didn’t he just wave His hand, and it became calm?
Big question—why did Jesus have to rebuke the storm?
We now know what Jesus knew, that the Satan had the power to grant Him all the kingdoms of this world if He’d only bow down and worship him. Here we see that Jesus further acknowledged that this was Satan’s world -- even the weather was within his domain. Yes, you read that correctly. Even the weather was within Satan’s control -- to the extent God permits him, for now.
enemy occupied territory . . .
Remember, he is the god of this world. And only through faith, exercised by believers, will these things ever be subject to us.
This is a broken and cursed world, and we’re living in enemy-occupied territory. Calamities and catastrophes of every sort seem to occur all too frequently. Even the principalities and powers of this world are corrupt and under the evil influence of Satan, and it’s only when believers exercise faith is any of it ever subject to us. Wars, earthquakes, and out of control crime -- all signal that until Jesus returns and defeats Satan, this world will be in turmoil and under the devil’s curse. That bears repeating. It’s only when believers exercise faith is your wife healed or your child saved or any other of the devil’s evil works undone in this wicked world. That’s why the apostle John said,
“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world -- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life -- comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." (1 John 2:16–17, NIV). Wow! Now you may be beginning to see why this world is in such a mess.
Our old nature, both yours and mine, is carnal. That nature prefers the flesh and its pleasures rather than the things of God. In our unredeemed state it is in my nature, and the nature of every man and woman, to sin and to take pleasure in sin. The natural man would rather lust than pray, is tempted to commit adultery rather than remaining faithful, and would much prefer the pleasures of this world than that which is spiritual. And yet the old man can never know the kind of “peace of God which passes all understanding” (Phil. 4:7), and he can never know the “joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8) until he is surrendered to the Lord and makes him Lord of his life. This world can never offer and can never know this kind of life.
Nothing in this article suggests that God cannot, and does not, interfere with Satan's plans on earth . . . at His time and choosing. But God, in His wisdom, has allowed Satan temporary rule on earth, sifting out those who will lay down their lives for His name's sake. And only when those who are followers of Jesus exercise faith can we overcome and defeat Satan's plans for our lives, and the lives of others.
Jesus said, "I have told you all of this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." (John 16:33 NLT)