Why Workplace Culture Matters More Than Ever
In today’s fast changing world, work culture has become more than just a term it has become an actual thing. As remote and hybrid working increases, also revolving is employee expectations and competition for top talent. This change just shows how crucial work culture is especially when it comes to retaining staff especially since now a days retaining staff Is a big issue.
You may think that a strong pay package would retain talented staff however the reality of it is that majority of staff especially Gen Z and millennials are looking for:
?? A good and supportive leadership
Nowadays employees value great leadership that do not just support and inspire but they are approachable, motivated and have no filter. The reason for this is because not only does it boost morale, but it also empowers employees to perform to the best of their abilities.
?? Opportunities to gain experience within the business.
Currently employees especially the Gen Z are looking for career growth and opportunities, they want to know that the time and effort they are putting in will pay off and allow them to work up the progression ladder.
?? And most importantly they are looking for a good work life balance.
With remote working and hybrid working increasing employees want to be able to balance their work life with their personal life. Slowly the traditional long hours and burnout are being replaced with a more sustainable method i.e. remote and hybrid working.
You may find that companies that fail to encourage a healthy work environment may be at risk of losing their staff. Yes, a competitive salary may attract them initially however it’s the company culture, leadership and growth opportunity that will determine whether they stay for good or not.
Workplace Culture can impact performance.
?Companies that have strong work culture often experience:
??Higher Productivity – employees will feel motivated and engaged.
When employees feel a sense of belonging and feel like they have a purpose to be at work, this is then when the employees are most likely to stay motivated and engaged in their work. If an employee feels happy and feels wanted, they are the ones that are most likely to go beyond their job descriptions.
??Collaboration – leads to intense sense of trust and teamwork.
Not having a keen sense of trust and teamwork will not get a company far…
Whereas having these aspects of collaboration will allow the employee to share ideas, provide constructive feedback and support one another to help achieve targets or goals.
If a company offers toxic environment where the team does not engage with one another well it could lead to burnout and a high turnover. When employees feel not valued, overworked, or disconnected from colleagues and most importantly MANAGEMENT their motivation and performance towards work will rapidly decrease.? A negative work environment can destroy trust, damage teamwork and most importantly their mindset towards work affecting the businesses’ ability to achieve success.
On the flip side companies that offer a culture of respect and support will see bigger employee satisfaction, stronger performance and a more engaged workplace. Investing in a good workplace culture will not only benefit the employee but will also be a strategic move for the success and the growth of the company.
Culture is a necessity not a “nice to have.”
Having a strong work culture will not just benefit the employee it will benefit the WHOLE business.
Companies with splendid work culture will tend to notice:
?? A high retention rate – staff are staying longer at the companies due to the work culture.
Staff will stay at a business longer if they feel appreciated and supported. If employees feel secure in their jobs and see opportunities for growth and development, they are more inclined to build a long-term career within the company. Meaning, they develop deeper relationships with colleagues and clients adding to your company’s success.
??Teamwork – Happy employees = Better Service.
If employees are happy and satisfied, they are most likely to work well with others, communicate better and most importantly will be willing to help others around them out. A culture that encourages teamwork builds trust among colleagues and staff making it more enjoyable to come to work.
Not only does this enhance internal day to day duties but also impacts customer service – when employees are happy, they provide a better service and engage better with clients.
Investing in your staff and making sure your staff are happy will pay off when conducting day to day task throughout the business. Employees who feel valued and more committed to their roles are the ones that contribute to a positive workplace environment.
For more tips and info to support staff retention head to: Skills for care
Final Thoughts: The time to prioritise your work culture for your business is now.
Directors/management should actively develop an environment where their employees feel valued, motivated and want to be able to do the best at their work. When employees feel motivated and engaged, they work together as a team more effectively and frequently, they create innovative ideas and provide a better service to our customers.
Happy employees lead to happy clients ??
What do you think? How has workplace culture impacted your workplace? Let us discuss in the comments!
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