Why is working from home so exhausting
Why is working from home so exhausting
I'm sure a lot of people thought working from home would actually be a breeze. You can roll out of bed at 8:55am and be working in your pyjamas with your laptop on your couch at 9am.
Yet WFH has been a WTF moment for a lot of us. Coronavirus has really kicked us all in the butt and we're all trying to stay at home and flatten the curve. So why are we so tired?
Psychologist Sandy Rea says it's partly because COVID-19 came out of the blue and no-one was, or could be, prepared for it.
"All of a sudden most people are being thrown into staying at home with the children, with a partner and trying to conduct and normalise a new lifestyle," she says.
"What people aren't really talking about is what people are really experiencing, and that is called reactive depression. Reactive depression is manifested in crying, a sense of hopelessness, worrying about not getting any income.
"These are, of course, very distressing things so I think that is also very draining. But once you understand, 'Oh, it's reactive depression', or for some people it may be anxiety, it then puts a framework about how we manage our thoughts and how we manage our feelings. So if we say, 'Yep, I have reacted to a very distressing situation', that of course helps them to explain why they're not motivated, can't get out of bed or why I'm sitting on the couch. So it makes perfect sense."
The good news is reactive depression is transient. In a few weeks, most people will work through it and feel better.
"Then what humans are fabulous at is being emotionally agile, adaptive and flexible. And we go, 'You know what? This is not how I want to live my life. What do I have to do to now put structure and meaning back into my life?'" Rea explains.
"Is part of that structure having a routine? Absolutely. It really pivots on routine. The routine gives us a sense of safety because we don't like living in chaotic, unpredictable environments."
Rea says multitasking is also draining. Having to try and work a full time job and home school and run a household where you can only go outside for short periods of exercise takes its toll.
Even connecting via Zoom or Skype for work is draining. Rea says when you're on the computer you have to 'pace' conversations. It means one person talks, you're silent. Then you talk, and the other person is silent.
"That is an absolutely exhausting and unnatural way to engage. You also don't have time to escape. You don't have time to get out of screen and do something. Look around the room. It's full on. It's intense connections with other people. So it's not surprising that that would be exhausting, especially for someone who's an extrovert," she says.
So here are Rea's three top tips on controlling the exhaustion.
1. It's probably reactive depression that many people are experiencing. Just understanding that makes it a bit easier.
2. Go back to basics and structure your day. The cornerstones for good mental health are eating well, getting enough sleep and doing some exercise.
3. Ensure that you have appropriate social support around you, whether it's your family, friends who can connect to via phone or on the computer. Or speak to a professional, your GP or a counsellor — there are many online options now.