Why Work Life Integration / Balance? (WLI / WLB)
Work-Life Balance (WLB) has been defined as …a comfortable state of equilibrium achieved between an employees primary priorities of their employment position and their private lifestyle.
Robert Owen, a wealthy industrialist born in Wales, Great Britain on May 14, 1771 is widely credited as the first person to advocate for a universal “eight hours labour, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest” approach to work-life balance. (suffice to say WLB is most relevant in the industrial revolution era because work at that time was highly structured and segregated, most work are conducted at the factories or workshops)
What is Work-Life Integration (WLI)?
As the world continues to evolve, the lines between personal and professional life are becoming increasingly blurred. With the rise of technology and the necessity of remote work due to the pandemic, it is crucial for organizations to understand and implement Work-Life integration (WLI) in the workplace.
WLI aims to bring balance to an individual's personal and professional life by finding a harmonious blend between the two. This approach is a more realistic approach to work-life balance as it acknowledges that a complete separation between the two is not always possible.
Examples of WLI in the workplace include flexible work hours, in-office wellness activities, the option to bring children to work, and professional development opportunities. WLI provides employees with the flexibility to coordinate their schedules and responsibilities in a more productive manner. It also helps to reduce burnout and increase work satisfaction.
People generally fall into two categories when it comes to work-life integration: segmentors and integrators.
Segmentors prefer clear boundaries between work and life,
Integrators prefer a more fluid approach.
The most suitable approach however will vary from person to person.
To enhance WLI, some tips for you to consider and adopt:
In conclusion, Work-Life integration (WLI) is a crucial aspect of modern-day work. Organizations should strive to provide a supportive and flexible work environment that promotes a harmonious balance between personal and professional life.
This article is written by Talreso Consultancy and Advisory as a follow up to our recent poll which shows that 63% favour WLB while 29% lean towards WLI https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/talreso-consultancy-and-advisory_wli-wlb-worklifeintegration-activity-7026694530225643520-bXdE?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
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